Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Iran Forex Forum

GBPUSD FOREX TIPS FOR PROFIT INVESTMENTS Singapore 06:19 GMT 03072017 Cable beholder mykt tonn, som i dag faller fra 1,2300 til en lav på 1,2223, selv om det klarte å holde på over fredager lavt foran en mild bounce overskrift i NY nær, for å fullføre dagen på 1.2235. 4 timers momentumindikatorer ser mildt konstruktivt ut, men dagbøkene kan plukke opp økende nedadgående momentum, slik at det ser ut som om kabel kan forbli under press i fremtiden. På ulemper vil en pause av støtten sett på 1.221525 raskt teste 1.2200 og lavere, mot 1.215055 som bør være sterk, hvis vi ser den. På oversiden vil den opprinnelige motstanden bli sett på 1.2300 og igjen den 2. mars høy på 1.2307, over hvilke vil da gå tilbake mot 1.2350, om enn usannsynlig i dag med mindre dollaren ser en annen selloff. Mens det er mildt positivt på kort sikt, foretrekker jeg å handle fra kort side ved å selge inn i styrke, men med strømpebukser stopper på plass, over 1.2320. Gjeldende valutakurs for GBPUSD-paret er 1.2239. Våre Siste Forex Anbefalinger: Det anbefales å selge. Hold deg oppdatert med Forex tips, valutasignaler og Forex trading tips for å tjene profitt. GVI Trading Statistical Market BIAS Indikatorer - Fed Fund Market Sentiment Barometer gjenspeiler dagens følelse om en fremtidig endring i Fed-politikken. Odds for en 25bp 15. mars Fed rate hike er 96 (96), mens oddsen for en 25bp renteøkning per 17. juni 2017 møtet nå er 146 (156), da markedene veier mer enn en 25bp økning blir vurdert av deretter. EURUSD MACRO statistiske bias: NEUTRAL Spot EURUSD: 1.0584 Pivot Point: 1.0600 20-dagers avg: 1.0601 50-dagers avg: 1.0631 200-dagers avg: 1.0922 Global-View Free FX Database. High-Low-Close-data for mer enn et dusin valutapar i over sytten års data i et Excel-regnearkformat RISK PÅ PAR 20:14 GMT 03062017 Ser ut som amerikanske aksjer kan lukke høyere på ny Trump-optimisme. Amerikanske aksjemarkeder slutter dagen for det meste lavere etter at Fed Chair Yellen sendte et klart prisstigningssignal forrige fredag ​​til 15. mars FOMC-møtet. Nyheten bekreftet den siste økningen i det amerikanske 10-års-utbyttet til 2,50-nivået. I forex-handel slutter USD til å bli blandet, så er EUR på kryssene. Pre-Open Trading Ideas for 7 Mar 2017 Denne uken skal bli mer aktiv ettersom tiden går på grunn av en full kalender som starter med tirsdag. Forex Markets prøvde å tilpasse seg Yellen-talen på mandag. Hun har markedet nå og tror at Fed vil faktisk være vandrepriser i år, og dette utsikteret har negativt påvirket amerikanske aksjer. Odds i favør av en prisstigning ved 15. mars FOMC er nå på nærmere bestemt 96 etter at Fed Chair Yellen gikk så langt som noen med rimelighet kunne forvente å signalere en renteøkning på det kommende Fed-møtet. Det ville ta et stort støt nå fordi de ikke følger gjennom med høyere priser. Somethung sjenert av tre rate stigninger er nå priset i mellom nå og år slutten. Denne uken ser en ECB-politikk beslutning torsdag. Mange føler at den overordnede pengepolitikken til sentralbanken er godt forbi sin forsiktige utløpsdato. Traders håper å høre en gang snart at det snart vil begynne å alvorlig taper sin eiendomsinnkjøp. Dette møtet er fortsatt sannsynligvis for tidlig for en endelig kunngjøring fra ECBs medlemmer. Fredag ​​ser februar amerikanske og kanadiske sysselsettingsdata. Det er svært usannsynlig, men en uventet svært svak amerikansk rapport kan teoretisk spore marsfedraten, men jeg vil ikke satse på dette. John M. Bland, MBA medgrunnlegger Global View SNAP Israel Dil 19:23 GMT 03062017 De må kjøpe SNAP for de lovende fremtidige utbyttene. De 26 årene som regner med at SNAP ville vite innen 2057 for å generere fortjeneste og betale utbytte, sikrer de bare en god pensjon. det er ideen bak å kjøpe SNAP, nei SNAP Mtl JP 19:23 GMT 03062017 eh. så, hvor er pengene for å få deg til å spørre om en krystallkule qtn dil på mindre enn 10 år DJI handlet 15K rekkevidde mens den nå er rundt 21K. det er en boble, så si noe det er ingen boble sier resten 21K kort ved 10x løftestang (SL 23.1K) eller (TP 16.5K og lavere) - finjustering tillatt til disse parameterne. så hvor er pengene til å lage SNAP Mtl JP 18:59 GMT 03062017 Hvis janet alltid skulle skylle trumf alt jeg ville håpe på, er heldigvis posisjonert for å høste stor rikdom SNAP dc CB 18:53 GMT 03062017 JP så de heve priser en 12 pt. overrasker markedene, selger SToX og NYT, WaPo, BBG, AP, Reuters, BBC, CNBC. etc osv. alle kommer ut og forteller oss at SToX solgte IKKE fordi FED hevet priser, men på grunn av Trump. Og den generelle befolkningen, som tror Federal Reserve er en gren av den amerikanske regjeringen, kjøper den. Perfekt dekning for en tur. LOL RISK PÅ PAR 18:39 GMT 03062017 USDJPY tilbake over 114,00 øker aksjer. SNAP Mtl JP 18:26 GMT 03062017 CB 17:42 Nå vet du hvorfor FED-gjengen må heve priser selv om de øker 4 i år, vil de være langt fra det normale som FED-gjengen gjør ved å prøve å heve 3, kanskje 4 Tider tar ikke punchbowl bort. Alt de ville gjøre er å stoppe spicing det. mye har blitt sagt om FED gjenger posisjon vs spillere: etter min mening må gjengen fortsette å ligge bak markedet, ikke forsøke å komme forbi det perceptionsvis Roses krig dc CB 18:06 GMT 03062017 15. mars er ikke Bare den dagen da FOMC nå forventes å øke prisene med ytterligere 25 bps, og når den amerikanske gjeldstakssuspensjonen utløper, men like viktig er datoen for 2017 nederlandske generalvalg. Nederland er euroområdene 5. største økonomi, et stiftende medlem av EU og ett av kun 3 euroområdene (sammen med Tyskland og Luxembourg) for å nyte en AAA-vurdering fra de tre viktigste vurderingsbyråene. For å levere sitt engasjement for å trekke Nederland fra EU, ville Frihetspartiet: 1) være nødt til å danne en regjering som ville være enig i å sette folkeavstemning til parlamentet og 2) få parlamentarisk godkjenning, og ingen av dem synes sannsynlige muligheter av Roses dc CB 17:49 GMT 03062017 Det er en trussel om at Le Pen vinner valget, hevdet Hollande i kommentarer til fransk daglig Le Monde sitert av Reuters. Høyre har ikke vært så høyt (i meningsmålingene) i mer enn 30 år, men Frankrike vil ikke gi inn, lovet presidenten. Frankrike er klar over at avstemningen den 23. april og 7. mai vil avgjøre ikke bare skjebnen til vårt land, men også fremtiden for det europeiske prosjektet selv. Min ultimate plikt er å sørge for at Frankrike ikke er overbevist av en slik plan for å ta land ut av EU, og at Frankrike ikke har så tungt ansvar, SNAP Israel Dil 17:47 GMT 03062017 og gjennomsnittsalderen for selgerhorter Roses krig dc CB 17:24 GMT 03062017 New York Times-kolonisten Nicholas Kristoff oppfordret IRS ansatte søndag for å bryte loven, og lekk Donald Trumps selvangivelse til sin publikasjon: Hvis du er i IRS og har en vis presidenter selvangivelse som du liker å lekke, er adressen min: NYT, 620 Åttende Ave, NY NY 10018, Nicholas Kristof skrev på Twitter. US-koden om uautorisert utlevering av opplysninger angir ganske klart at det skal være ulovlig for enhver person som enhver retur - eller returinformasjon (som definert i seksjon 6103 (b)) er avslørt på en måte som er uautorisert av denne tittelen deretter forsettlig å skrive ut eller publisere på noen måte ikke gitt ved lov noen slik retur eller returinformasjon. Ethvert brudd på dette avsnittet skal være en forbrytelse som kan straffes med bøter i et beløp som ikke overstiger 5.000, eller fengsel på ikke mer enn 5 år, eller begge deler, sammen med kostnadene ved straffeforfølgelse. En veteran NYT reporter har Harvard-utdannet Kristof dekket globale saker for NYT siden 2001 Strategi og handelsanalyse på aksjer i selskapet Apple 03-06-2017 av AzaForex forex megler BREAKING NYHETER GVI Trading john blid 16:51 GMT 03062017 - Min profil IEA Chief Economist Birol: - begynner å se andre bølge av USA. Shale Oil Production Growth - Størrelsen vil bestemme oljeprisretningen Mandag Trading Ideas Mtl JP 14:12 GMT 03062017 i fare for å gjenta seg selv: eurodlr er en Selg på Rallies og dlrcad er BoD prøver å holde det enkelt. Amazing Trader Update GVI Forex Jay Meisler 13:09 GMT 03062017 - Min profil Dette ble postet tidligere i dag på GVI Forex og LOD har vært 1.0577 versus nøkkelen 1.0572 nivå påpekt i denne oppdateringen, ganske nær og alle nivåer som vises på diagrammet ditt av Amazing Trader, Amazing Trader EURUSD køreplan diagrammer oppdatert EURUSD HOD har vært 1.0640 og dets LOD 1.0584. Det har vært en kamp, ​​men stop-algos tok endelig stoppene på 1,0630-nivået som kom inn i rekkevidde av markedene sent på fredag, men holdt. Når en gang ble utløst, falt EURUSD umiddelbart tilbake til under 1,0600-linjen, og slette tvil om foray til 1.0640-området. Den neste klyngen av stopp er sannsynligvis funnet på 1,0680-nivået. For i dag vil EURUSD-tonen bestemmes av sin posisjon i forhold til 1,0600-linjen. Utover stoppet ser det ikke ut til å være stor etterspørsel etter EURUSD på høyere nivåer. Et sentralt fokus på EURUSD denne uken vil være ECBs politiske beslutning på torsdag. Nedenfor LOD, forventer første støtte (stopper for å komme inn på 1.0572. Ingen store data skyldes i dag. Still inn ofte til GVI Forum for oppdatert handelsinnsikt når møtet utfolder seg. Nord-Korea sender Malaysia-ambassadørpakken i løpet av Kim Jong-nam mord Nord-Korea har kunngjort at det vil utvise den malaysiske ambassadøren innen 48 timer, ifølge det offisielle nyhetsbrevet KCNA. Det kommer etter at Kuala Lumpur kunngjorde at det ville sende Pyongyangs ambassadørpakking. DPRKs utenriksdepartement kunngjorde i en uttalelse fra KCNA som Malaysias ambassadør ville ikke lenger være velkommen i landet fra søndag, med angivelse av at 48 timers varsel var gitt. En stor ulykke ville skje. Ingenting vil skje, fordi ingen er interessert i at noe vil skje. JOBS GVI Trading john blid 12:32 GMT 03062017 - Min profil nh - imho, Kashkari er en politiker. Han bruker bare sin Fed-jobb som en skritt for fremtidige ambisjoner. Jeg trodde Fed var i sin nye utvidede qu iet-perioden Nord-Korea Brisbane Flip 12:15 GMT 03062017 - Min profil Heldigvis er det kult hode med et vell av kunnskap om utenrikspolitikk og full støtte av et forent intelligensnettverk som leder av den frie verden for å veilede oss gjennom dette. JOBS Livingston nh 12:15 GMT 03062017 Thanx John - Kashkari (voter) snakker i dag - Doves siste håp Trading Ideas for 6 Mar 2017 Fredags Fed-politiet fra Chair Yellen skuffet ikke. Markeder gikk inn i hennes presentasjon med 90 odds på en 15 mars rente tur. Yellen gikk så langt som noen med rimelighet kunne forvente å signalisere en hastighetsstigning. Etterpå var implisitte odds nesten 100 til fordel for en renteøkning på onsdag etter neste. Det ville være et stort sjokk nå hvis de ikke følger gjennom med høyere priser. Når det gjelder markedsreaksjonen til hennes klare signal Det er og gammelt å si på markedene, Kjøp ryktet, Selg faktumet. Det er akkurat det som skjedde. Den konvensjonelle visdommen i markedene de siste to ukene hadde blitt at Fed-stolen ville signalere en tur. Så da hennes forberedte tekst ble utgitt, kom det som en overraskelse for ingen. Traders som hadde kjøpt USD, ventet et rally i valutaen, ble møtt av de som allerede lenge ventet å ta fortjeneste, og som fortsatte inn i de siste øyeblikkene for handel for uken. Markeder posisjon på ny informasjon, ikke på elementer som allerede er kjent. På vei inn i den nye uken, vil en stor begivenhet være ECBs politiske beslutning torsdag. Mange føler at den overordnede pengepolitikken til sentralbanken er godt forbi sin forsiktige utløpsdato. Traders håper å høre en gang snart at det snart vil begynne å avta sine eiendomsinnkjøp. Dette møtet er fremdeles sannsynligvis for tidlig for en slik kunngjøring i rådets medlemmer. Fredag ​​ser februar amerikanske og kanadiske sysselsettingsdata. Det er svært usannsynlig, men en uventet svært svak amerikansk rapport kan teoretisk spore marsfedraten, men jeg vil ikke satse på dette. John M. Bland, MBA-medgrunnlegger Global View BREAKING NYHETER GVI Trading john blid 09:45 GMT 03062017 - Min profil Juppe trekker ut av presidentkonkurransen en vekt på EURUSD. Juppe var under angrep for korrupsjonskostnader. BREAKING NYHETER GVI Trading john blid 09:41 GMT 03062017 - Min profil Fransk politiker Juppe (Konservativ): Kommer ikke til å løpe for president Fillon kandidatur er nå en sluttbrudd som forener rett og senter er vanskeligere på dette tidspunktet - Kilde TradeTheNews Far East Equity Markeder endte hovedsakelig opp. Europeiske burser er blandet Den tidlige samtalen av amerikanske aksje futures er for lavere. I renteinntekter er utbyttene lavere på denne tiden. I forex er USD blandet. EUR er blandet på hovedkorsene. EURUSD FOREX TRADING-SIGNALER SOM SKAL BESKYTTES FOR DAGSVERKSAMHET Singapore 05:57 GMT 03062017 Euro klarte å gjenopprette seg godt fra 1,0493-nivået mot amerikanske dollar. EURUSD-paret forsøker nå å bryte en bearish trendlinje på 1,0620 på 4-timers diagrammet. EURUSD TEKNISK ANALYSE Euroen mislyktes nok en gang til å bosette seg under 1.0500-håndtaket og gjenopprettes. Gjeldende utvinning i EURUSD ser positivt ut, ettersom paret ser etter ytterligere gevinster over 1.0620. Paret ble avvist igjen nær 1.0490 og 1.0500 nivåer, noe som resulterte i en sprette. Det ser ut til at paret har dannet en dobbel bunn i nærheten av 1.0490, og kan fortsette å handle høyere. Den har allerede flyttet over 100 enkle glidende gjennomsnitt (H4) på ​​1.0595. Paret krypte også over 23,6 Fib retracement nivået av den siste nedgangen fra 1,0828 høy til 1,0493 lav. For øyeblikket står paret motstand nær en bearish trendlinje på 1.0620 på 4-timers diagrammet. Det samme nivået faller også sammen med 38,2 Fib retracement nivået av den siste nedgangen fra 1,0828 høy til 1,0493 lav. Så en pause over den uthevede motstanden kan gi ytterligere gevinster i EURUSD. VÅR LATEST ANBEFALING: Den nåværende valutakursen på EURUSD-paret er 1.0604, Det anbefales å kjøpe. Hold deg oppdatert med Forex trading tips, Forex signaler og Forex trading signaler for å tjene profitt. Panikkmodus Livingston nh 19:50 GMT 03022017 Hvis Fed endelig har nådd sitt brytepunkt, vil det bli panikk - da det krypterer for å komme foran kurven, vil gullet lide - omfanget av lidelsen vil være lik nivået av PANIC Råolje Investering Reykjavik 05:31 GMT 03022017 For dette innlegget vil jeg fremheve noen av det grunnleggende at alle nybegynnere i forexmarkedet bør vite om. Det er imidlertid ikke en eneste strategi eller formel til dette som er en sikker vinner. Dens alle slektninger og investorer må alltid fortsette med forsiktighet. gull reserver øker hk win10 14:47 GMT 03012017 seriøst gull vil gå over 1920 i 2017 gull istanbul 13:28 GMT 03012017 Merhaba, Trkiyeden yaz305yorum. Alt305n fiyatlar305 konusunda sayfam305 takip edebilirsiniz. SINGAPORE CRUDE OIL NYHETER OG RODE OLIE TIPS Singapore 07:09 GMT 03012017 Råoljeprisen steg på onsdag da dollaren trimmet gevinster og en tale fra amerikanske president Donald Trump tilbød lite planer fra hans administrasjon for å øke amerikansk oljeproduksjon. Markedet er underbygget av Opecs produksjonsnedskæringer mens stigende oljeproduksjon i USA skal holde et lokk på prisene. Med olje vil du se prisene flytte høyere inn i London-økten, bare fordi ingen nyheter er gode nyheter. Hvis Trump hadde kunngjort forskrift om noen av miljøvernene for å gjøre det lettere å pumpe mer olje, kan det ha satt press på WTI, sier senior markedsanalytiker Jeffrey Halley i futures brokerage OANDA i Singapore. Nåværende råoljekurs er 53,99. Vår siste vare anbefaling: Selg råolje som det går ned. Hold deg oppdatert med råolje tips, råolje signaler eller råolje trading tips for å få fortjeneste. Gull Silver Commodity Tips Caitlin 01:42 GMT 03012017 Handel med gull og sølv har vært en god opplevelse, begge disse varene er de mest verdifulle blant metaller. Selv mellom gull og sølv, har sølv høyere tendens til å svinge. Ikke desto mindre, takk for oppdateringen Gullprisene i Storbritannia kan forbli under press dette året stockholm, Sverige Gustaf 01:29 GMT 03012017 andre britiske handelsfolk her, hvem som helst, hva er dine tanker på denne gullkvaben kl 15:04 GMT 02222017 tid for å komme tilbake fra ferie snart. men ikke enda. . Ikke glem quackingindeksen. 15. desember. Saudi-Arabia mister nei. 1 plass over Russland som topp rå produsent New Delhi Sanjit 05:27 GMT 02222017 Russland overtok Saudi-Arabia som verdens største råproducent i desember, da begge land begynte å begrense forsyningene før avtalt kutt med andre globale produsenter for å dempe den verste gluten i flere tiår . Russland pumpet 10,49 millioner fat per dag i desember, ned 29.000 fat per dag fra november, mens Saudi Arabias produksjon gikk til 10,46 millioner fat per dag fra 10,72 millioner fat per dag i november, ifølge data publisert mandag på nettsiden til Joint Organizations Data Initiative i Riyadh. Det var første gang Russland slo Saudi-Arabia siden mars. Saudi-Arabia, sammen med andre produsenter fra OPEC, bestemte seg for å kutte forsyninger i slutten av november med 1,2 millioner fat per dag i seks måneder fra 1. januar, med Saudi-Arabia som instrument i planen. Ikke-medlemprodusenter, inkludert Russland, lovet ytterligere tilbakeslag. Brent råpriser har klatret rundt 20 prosent siden slutten av november. USA var den tredje største produsenten, på 8,8 millioner fat per dag i desember, sammenlignet med 8,9 millioner fat per dag i november, ifølge JODI. Irak kom i fjerde på 4,5 millioner fat per dag, etterfulgt av Kina på 3,98 millioner fat per dag, datahowet. Den raske eksporten i Saudi Arabias land ble redusert til 8 millioner fat per dag i desember, fra 8,26 millioner fat per dag, den største utstrømningen i en måned siden mai 2003, ifølge JODI data. Jeg har lest en god artikkel om Gold Henritte 02:09 GMT 02222017 desember gullkontrakter mistet US42.10 for å handle på US1,224,30 per unse. Det var den femte dagen med tap for edelt metall, som kaster US80.20 over uken. GOLD MARKEDSFORSIKRINGER FEBRUAR 2017 Stockholm GB 03:21 GMT 02172017 - Min profil Takk for artikkelen. Skal ta en titt på det. Prøver å lese så mye som mulig for å lære mer. Har en stund før jeg kan begynne å gjøre gode handler, men det er derfor jeg er her :) Internett, er helt siden da med de slags artikler. Det er alltid den vanlige blahblahen. blah. Få modnet Det er alt gull bugs, eller gull lobby propaganda SHT. GOLD MARKEDSFORSIKRINGER FEBRUAR 2017 Henritte 05:04 GMT 02152017 Jeg har lest en god artikkel om gull, vel selv om det er noen feil, men jeg har lært noe om det. Som riktig tidspunkt når du skal handle Gull. Takk for oppdateringen, uansett, OLIEPRISET STABILITET, MEN GJORT I OMRÅDET MED BLISTE PRIS SIGNALER Singapore 08:27 GMT 02072017 Oljen var stabil på tirsdag etter at den foregående sesjonen gikk ned, med markeder som ble revet mellom blandede prisindikatorer som har holdt råvareområdet bundet for mye årets. Brent rå futures LCOc1, det internasjonale referanseporteføljen for oljepriser, handlet på 55,77 per fat på 0753 GMT, opp 5 cent fra siste tett. Vår siste anbefaling: SALG RUDE OLJE 54.05 TARGETS 53.65 53.25 STOPLOSS 54.55 Hold deg oppdatert med råoljesignaler eller råoljes handelssignaler for å skape lønnsomme resultater. Råoljeprisen øker på svakere dollar Singapore 07:14 GMT 02062017 Oljeprisene steg på mandag med handelsmenn som skiftet penger til rå futures som dollaren svekket, og bekymret for at nye amerikanske sanksjoner mot Iran kunne bli utvidet til å påvirke råvarer. Men markeder ble holdt tilbake av flere tegn på økende produksjon i USA og av bekymringer for at importefterspørselen i Kina kunne sakte. Internasjonale Brent rå futures var trading på 57,01 per fat 0620 GMT, opp 20 cent fra deres siste lukk. Vår siste anbefaling: SALG KRUDEOLJE 53.80 TARGETS 53.40 52.90 STOPLOSS 54.30 Hold deg oppdatert med råoljes handelssignaler eller råoljesignaler for å få fortjeneste. TP på 1224, god frokost GOLD MARKEDSFORSIKRINGER FEBRUAR 2017 Singapore 06:17 GMT 02042017 Gullmarkedet er kjent som en av de mest effektive sikre havnene i det globale forexmarkedet under dagens globaliserende verdensforhold. Etter å ha startet på 1210 USDounce i begynnelsen av uken økte kjøpsvinden det tok over på fredag, prisbåndet til mellom 1215 USD og 1220 USD. Gull, som steg til 1220.06 USDounce på tirsdag i løpet av de første åpningstidene, ble trukket tilbake i serie ved eksponering for profittsalg fra dette nivået. På de siste dagene i januar, er gullprisene avtagende, med SP 500-indeksen tatt en ny rekord i går, og det amerikanske 10-årige obligasjonsavkastningen tar sterk ut. På dette tidspunktet kan den nåværende nedgangen i gullprisene forventes å fortsette mot 1200 USD nivå. Når vi ser på den tekniske siden av gullmarkedet for de første dagene i februar, kan vi observere litt utvinningstendens. Hvis USD 1210 overstiger de første dagene i februar, så kan vi se 1220 USD-nivået med den andre uken i måneden. Motstandsnivåer: 1205.5 1210.5 1219.0 Støttenivåer: 1197.5 1195.0 1190.0 Hold deg oppdatert med gull tips råvare anbefalinger å vinne. På grunn av NFP har jeg flyttet SL, hvis SL, min tidligere to gevinst er 0 RUDE OLIEPRISER FALL SOM RISKER US UTGANGSMIDLER OPEC-LED CUTS Singapore 06:14 GMT 01312017 Oljeprisene dyppet på tirsdag som stigende amerikansk boreaktivitet offset innsats av OPEC og andre produsenter til å kutte produksjonen i et trekk for å stoppe markedet. Brent rå futures, det internasjonale referanseindekset for oljeprisen, handlet på 55,16 per fat kl 0421 GMT, ned 7 cent fra deres siste lukk. Siden sin topp i januar har Brent mistet over 5,5 prosent i verdi. Amerikanske West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rå futures var på 52,44 per fat, ned 19 cent fra deres tidligere oppgjør, og WTI er ned 2,85 prosent siden januar-toppen. Fallen reflekterer en følelse at innsatsen ledet av Oljeforetakets Organisasjon (OPEC) for å redusere produksjonen med nesten 1,8 fat per dag (bpd) for å avslutte overproduksjonen, var så langt ikke stort nok til å kompensere for stigende amerikanske boringer. Råoljeprisen fortsatte å kjempe da handelsfolk forblev bekymret for økt boreaktivitet i USA, sa ANZ-banken tirsdag. Vår siste anbefaling: SALG KRUDEOLJE 53.30 TARGETS 52.90 52.50 STOPLOSS 54.00 Hold deg oppdatert med Crude Oil Trading Tips eller Crude Oil Tips for å generere lønnsomme resultater. RUDE OLJEHANDELTIPS FOR RESULTATRESULTATEN Singapore 05:55 GMT 01272017 Oljeprisene var stabile på fredag, med stigende råproduksjon fra USA, motvirket innsatsen fra OPEC og andre produsenter for å kutte opp markedet ved å kutte forsyninger. Brent rå futures, det internasjonale referanseindekset for oljeprisen, handlede på 56,21 per fat på 0231 GMT, nesten uendret fra deres siste lukk. Amerikanske West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rå futures var på 53,84 per fat, opp 6 cent. Traders sa veksten i amerikansk produksjon motvirket innsats fra organisasjonen av petroleumseksportlandene (OPEC) og andre produsenter, inkludert Russland, for å redusere et globalt brenseloverheng, noe som resulterte i utvalgsbaserte priser. Amerikanske produsentens sikring via futures og økende skiferproduksjon kompenserer utviklingen som OPEC har gjort med sin produksjonskutt, sier Jeffrey Halley, senior markedsanalytiker ved futures megling OANDA i Singapore. Vår siste anbefaling: SALG KRUDEOLJE 53.40 TARGETS 52.40 STOPLOSS 54.60 Oppfølging: FINN RESULTAT I RUDE OLJE TIL 52.80 Hold deg oppdatert med råoljehandels tips eller råoljesignaler for å få fortjeneste. RUDE OLJE EASES ON RISING Singapore 06:30 GMT 01252017 Olje kantet ned på onsdag som forventning om en økning i amerikanske beholdninger veid på markedet, motvirker hausseffekten fra produksjonsnedskrifter annonsert av OPEC og andre produsenter. Brent crude, det internasjonale referanseindekset for oljepris, hadde falt 15 cent, eller 0,3 prosent, til 55,29 per fat ved 0228 GMT. Amerikanske West Texas Intermediate (WTI) rå futures mistet 22 cent, eller 0,4 prosent, til handel til 52,96 per fat. Oljeprisene har mottatt støtte fra planene fra Oljeforetakets organisasjon (OPEC) og andre produsenter for å redusere produksjonen i et bud for å øke prisene. Vår siste anbefaling: KJØP KRUDEOLJE 52.75 TARGETS 53.15 53.45 STOPLOSS 52.25. Oppfølging: Vårt første mål har rammet i røkolje 53.15 FINN BOK RESULTAT I DET. Hold deg oppdatert med råvareanbefalinger råolje tips for å øke fortjenesten. GOLDHOVERS NÆR 10-ukers topps Singapore 05:39 GMT 01242017 For tiden øker gullet fra 0,13 til 1217,25, etter å ha lagt inn nye ti uker på 1219,50 tidligere i dag. Gull fordeler seg fra en dårligere handelsvirksomhet sett rundt greenbacken over hele linja, med USD-indeksen slingrende nær 7-ukers troughs ved å snakke ned av US-valutaen av US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, og citerer at en Overdreven sterk USD kan være negativ i kort sikt. Vår siste anbefaling: BUY GOLD 1212 TARGETS 1220 1230 STOPLOSS 1200 Stay Oppdatert med Gold Tips Commodity Anbefalinger for å tjene penger. Gull Trading Tips Singapore 07:27 GMT 01232017 Gull er trading 0,90 høyere rundt 1216Oz nivåer som Dollar indeksen er ned 0,33 ved 100,77. I mellomtiden har det tiårige treasuryavkastningen skjedd tre basispunkter. For tiden er gullutviklingen nede med sterk motstand 1220. Vår siste anbefaling: Selg gull. Opphold Oppdatert med Commodity Anbefalinger gull trading tips for å få fortjeneste. KOMMODITETSANBEFALINGER FOR RØDOLJE Singapore 06:06 GMT 01202017 Oljen klatret for en annen dag på fredag, støttet av forventninger om strammere forsyning og rapporter om rekordkinesisk etterspørsel, men prisene holdt seg under press fra stigende amerikanske rå - og bensinbeholdninger. Brent crude, det internasjonale referansenivået, steg 15 cent til 54,31 per fat 0257 GMT. Amerikanske West Texas Intermediate (WTI) råolje futures var trading opp 17 cent på 51,54 per fat. Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA) sa at mens det var alt for tidlig å overvåke OPEC-medlemmene i samsvar med lovte nedskritt, falt kommersielle oljeinventarier i den utviklede verden for en fjerde måned i november, med en annen nedgang projisert for desember. Vår anbefaling: SALG KRUDEOLJE 52.30 TARGETS 51.80 51.40 STOPLOSS 52.80 Oppfølging: VÅRT MÅL I RUDE OLJE HIT ALREADY 51.80 HOPP DU HAR RESERVERT RESULTAT Opphold Oppdatert med råvareanbefalinger råoljehandelstips for å skape lønnsomme investeringer Hei alle jeg heter Gustavo Woltmann og jeg er assistent i et lite og privat utgiver selskap i mer enn et tiår nå. Hvordan vet vi den nyeste verdien av gull Er det en android app du bruker for å holde styr på det Kan du hjelpe meg GOLD RECOVERS TO 1200 AMID HIGHER Singapore 06:25 GMT 01192017 Etterspørselen etter amerikanske treasuryavkastninger returneres med amerikanske dollar etter hawkish kommentarer fra Fed Chair Yellen, banke gull til nivåene usett siden sist fredag. Gull faller kraftig fra nær flere uker Topper i dag, gull faller -1.05 til 1199.30, og gjenoppretter raskt fra ferske fem dagers nedturer på 1197 siste minutter. Den overnaturlige retretten i gull fikk traksjon i de midasiatiske bransjene, etter at de asiatiske handelsmenn økte budene for amerikanske treasuryutbytter på bekostning av det ikke-rentebelagte betalingsgullet, da de fortsetter å fordøye Fed Chair Yellens hawkish-bemerkninger. Vår anbefaling: SELG GULL 1212 TARGETS 1202 1192 STOPLOSS 1223. Hold deg oppdatert med råvareanbefalinger og gullhandelstips for å generere lønnsomme resultater. Gold Commodity Recommendations Singapore 05:55 GMT 01172017 I Commodity Market, går Gold ned. Vår anbefaling: SELG GOLD 1207 TARGETS 1203 1198 STOPLOSS 1212. Oppfølging: Vårt første mål har funnet sted i gull 1203 FINN BOOK RESULTAT I IT Hold deg oppdatert med råvareanbefalinger for å handle lønnsomt i råvaremarkedet. Virkeligheten er, jeg er ikke bare eyeing 1406, jeg har mer tålmodighet for 1520-pause. Hk ab 11:25 GMT 12152016 4. Armada nå. vurderer stjerneskip, men yen er for svak. Utmattende spike til 120 hk ab 14:48 GMT 11. november 2016 gull: Svar 3. armada-konto 1240. hk ab 14:45 GMT 10. november 2016 gull: Svar 2. armada klar. hk ab 14:33 GMT 10. november 2016 gull: Svar kjøpe gull med KL igjen, First Armada motor 1272. -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- doggy ab bjeffer igjen, fortell oss at han er geni-vinneren når gull flyr tilbake til 1406. Gjør dømmekraft av deg selv. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ hk ab 03:13 GMT 25. november 2016 gull: Svar De høyere Kwun kvakene, jo nærmere den virkelige bunnen av gull. Dette dykket er svært lik det i 2008. Amerikanske bangsters tar bare sjansen og kaoset før den virkelige marsj. Hvis jeg kan kjøpe gull under 1200 helt ned til 1125-området og nå hoppet tilbake til 1200 nivå. Alle disse var bare et spørsmål om hvordan stillinger er inntatt. Selvfølgelig, nybegynner, kort kjæreste Lick Kwun og Wallshitt Bankster vil aldri forstå. Når det er nærmere Starship-oppføringen, venter handelsmannen vanligvis på sjansen til å bakhold. i stedet for å bjeffe høyt (eller det jeg ringte på onani) med noen andre nybegynnere. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- FWIW, gullbunn EXACTLY den 15. desember da Kwun var orkester med Wallshitt. Råolje Gold Commodity Market Update Singapore 07:02 GMT 01122017 På råvaremarkedet går råolje gull ned. Vår anbefaling: SALG KRUDEOLJE 51.15 TARGETS 50.75 50.35 STOPLOSS 51.70 SELG GOLD 1190.50 TARGETS 1186.50 1181 STOPLOSS 1195 Hold deg oppdatert med live crude oil trading signaler og gull tips for å tjene profitt på din handel. gold wallstreet bankster 02:32 GMT 01122017 ab. si hei til baobama når du er på ferie. Gold Silver Commodity Tips Singapore 06:38 GMT 01092017 Gull Sølv går ned i Commodity Market. Vår anbefaling: 1.) Selg gull 1175 mål 1171 1166 STOPLOSS 1180 2.) SALG SILVER 16.57 TARGETS 16.47 16.37 STOPLOSS 16.70 Hold deg oppdatert med Gold Trading Signals og sølv trading tips for å øke investeringsavkastningen. gull nw kw 21:56 GMT 01062017 gull gruvearbeidere er gruvedrift fin kvalitet gull som er pricy dvs må forandre før gull blir større åpen interesse, men det er risiko trump utgifter kan sende gull til 1500 dvs vil få gruvearbeidere i dyrere klasse av gull så Noen leter etter midten av året hvis trumf f opp, men grunnleggende forandring i gull er at du kan få nå interesse med gull ap 1,75 og rapporterte det drepte gull ETFs. som startet på 1970-tallet, så gullbeholdere ikke vil selge nå, støtte i store gruvearbeidere til 900,00 per oz Forex Forum Global-View Forex Forum er navet for valutahandel på nettet. Grunnlagt i 1996, var det det originale forexforumet og er fortsatt det stedet hvor forexhandlere rundt om i verden kommer 247 på jakt etter valutahandel ideer, bryter forex nyheter, fx trading rykter, fx strømmer og mer. 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Du kan se på forexforumet for oppdateringer når et av fx trading verktøyene er oppdatert. FX Trading Global-View tilbyr også et fx trading chart galleri som inkluderer fx par, for eksempel EURUSD, varer, aksjer og obligasjoner. I en fx handelsverden der markeder er integrert, er kartgalleriet et verdifullt handelsverktøy. Se etter oppdateringer på Forex Forum når kartgalleriet er oppdatert. Forex Blog Global-View tilbyr også en forex blogg. der artikler av interesse for valutahandel blir lagt ut hele dagen. Forex blogg artikler kommer fra eksterne kilder, inkludert forex meglere forskning samt fra fagfolk på Global-View. Denne forex bloggen inkluderer Daily Forex View, Market Chatter og tekniske forex blog oppdateringer. I tillegg til sin real time forex forum. Det er også medlemsfora tilgjengelig for mer inngående valutahandelsdiskusjoner. ADVARSEL: UTVIKLING AV UDVIKLING OG INVESTERING I DERIVATIVER KAN VÆRE SÆRLIG SPESIFIKASJON OG KAN RESULTAS I TAP OG SIKKERHET. Utveksling av valuta og derivater er ikke egnet for mange medlemmer av den offentlige og kun risikokapital skal brukes. Hjemmesiden tar ikke hensyn til spesielle investeringsmål, den økonomiske situasjonen eller spesifikke krav til individuelle brukere. DU bør nøye vurdere din økonomiske situasjon og konsultere dine økonomiske rådgivere om egnetheten til din situasjon før du foretar noen investering eller inn i noen transaksjoner. Copyright copy1996-2014 Global View. Alle rettigheter reservert. Hosting og utvikling av Blue 105Iran stopper å selge olje i amerikanske dollar TEHRAN, 8. desember (Xinhua) - Iran, verdens fjerde største oljeeksportør, har fullstendig sluttet å selge sin olje i amerikanske dollar, rapporterte ISNAs nyhetsbyrå lørdag. I tråd med retningslinjene for å selge råolje i valutaer uten dollar, har den amerikanske oljedirektøren Gholam Hossein Nozari, som sier at oljedirektoratet Irans oljeolje i USA er solgt, for tiden solgt landets olje i amerikanske dollar. quotThe dollar er en upålitelig valuta i forhold til devalueringen og tapet av oljeeksportørene har utgått fra denne trenden, sier han. Dette er grunnen til at Iran foreslo OPEC-medlemmer at en valuta (for salg av olje) ville bli bestemt som ville være pålitelig og ikke ville føre til tap av eksportland, sier Nozari. Han refererte til toppmøtet i november i Oljeorganisasjonsorganisasjonen (OPEC) i Saudi-Arabia, der Iran foreslo at det er nødvendig å erstatte amerikanske dollar med andre store harde valutaer i oljehandel. I løpet av de siste månedene har Iran massivt redusert avhengigheten av amerikanske dollar i et forsøk på å motvirke USAs press på sitt finansielle system over Tehrans omstridte atomprogram. Gjør enkle pips med Advanced Economic Calendar for Forex Trading. 12-09-2007, 04:53 Medlem siden: Aug 2004 Sted: Bak deg Dette er en dårlig nyhet for USD, definitivt et slag for amerikansk økonomi, mens Yen og Euro har fått god støtte igjen. Jeg kan forstå at disse oljeselskapene vil dumpe USD tilbake til markedet for ikke-amerikanske valutaer, og det ville være et kaos for dollaren. Hva tror du Vil dette føre til fortsatt fall i USD eller ellers Gjøre enkle pips med Advanced Economic Calendar for Forex Trading. Activity Stream av John Lee. Russia8217s Lukoil ser på forskjellige måter å øke oljeproduksjonen på West Qurna-2 fra dagens nivå på 400.000 fat per dag til 1,2 millioner bpd. Gati Al Jebouri, som er representant for selskapet8217, sa til Gulf News: Vi går videre med diskusjoner med irakiske myndigheter om hvordan vi kan utvikle den andre fasen av West Qurna-2 og avhengig av de diskusjonene vi skal bestemme hvor mye investering er nødvendig for å nå 1,2 millioner fat per produksjonsdag. (Kilde: GulfNews) Kilde: Irak-BusinessNews. Legg inn din kommentar nedenfor. 0 svar 10 visning (er) Årsrapport 2016 presenterer fremskritt med implementeringen av finansieringsfasiliteten for stabilisering (FFS) mellom 1. januar og 31. desember 2016. I løpet av 2016 implementerte FNs utviklingsprogram (UNDP) en høy effekt, pragmatisk tilnærming til stabilisering som forbedrer statsobligasjoner og revitaliserer offentlig tillit til den irakiske regjeringen. FFS firedoblet i størrelse, vokser fra et lite foretak i noen byer til et stort program som opererer på tvers av 19 steder, blant annet i de hardt ramte byene Ramadi og Fallujah i Anbar Governorate. I september 2016, før den militære kampanjen for å gjenoppta Mosul startet, begynte UNDP å forberede seg på frigjøringen, kontaktet med myndighetene for å identifisere tidlig prioriteringer og rushing for å forhåndsplassere US43 millioner i essensielt utstyr for øyeblikket hoppe opp basale tjenester, særlig helse, elektrisitet og vann . Finansieringsfasiliteten fortsetter å utvikle seg, og innebærer nå en utvidet stabilisering kanalisert ved å knytte stabiliserte byer og distrikter til hverandre og generere et stort antall jobber. Samlet sett har UNDPs FFS bidratt til å legge grunnlaget for retur av over 1,39 millioner irakiske menn, kvinner og barn siden konfliktens begynnelse. Byer som Ramadi, Fallujah og Tikrit blomstrer igjen som hubber av økonomisk utvikling. Likevel forblir over tre millioner mennesker internt fordrevne. Fortsatt stabiliseringshjelp vil forbli avgjørende for å skape betingelsene for hjemkomst. Høydepunkter: Siden konfliktens begynnelse i 2014 har over 1,39 millioner fordrevne irakere kommet tilbake til sine hjem for å starte livet på nytt. Finansieringsfasiliteten har firedoblet i størrelse og vokst til å inkorporere en utvidet stabiliseringskanal. Mer enn 350 prosjekter, som verdsetter over US300 millioner, gjenstarter kritisk infrastruktur, offentlige tjenester og stimulerer lokaløkonomien Umiddelbar stabilisering vil kreve 100 millioner til å dekke minst 10 ekstra byer i 2017. Ytterligere 300 millioner vil være nødvendig for utvidet stabilisering Den fullstendige rapporten er tilgjengelig her (16 MB) (Kilde: UNDP i Irak) Kilde: Irak-BusinessNews. Legg inn din kommentar nedenfor. 0 replies 16 view (s) Irakiske styrker har voldtvist forflyttet minst 125 familier som sa at de hadde familieforbindelser med medlemslandene til den islamske staten (også kjent som ISIS), sier Human Rights Watch (HRW) i dag. Sunni stamme grupper (kjent som Hashad al8211Asha8216ri), innenfor de Populære Mobilization Forces (kjent som PMF eller Hashd al-Sha8217abi), som er under kontroll av statsminister Haider al-Abadi, og irakiske soldater tvunget familiene ut av deres hjem etter gjennomføring av et dekret utstedt av lokale myndigheter. Familiene, alt fra Salah al-Din-guvernørstedet, blir holdt mot deres vilje i en leir som fungerer som et frilufts fengsel nær Tikrit. PMF ødela også noen av familiens hjem. Lama Fakih, nestleder i Midtøsten-direktør for Human Rights Watch, sa: Mens politikere i Bagdad diskuterer forsoningstiltak i Irak, undergraver statens egne styrker disse anstrengelsene ved å ødelegge hjem og tvinge familier inn i et interneringsleir. Disse familiene, anklaget for forseelse ved forening, er i mange tilfeller selv ofre for ISIS-misbruk, og bør beskyttes av regjeringskrefter, ikke målrettet mot gjengjeldelse. Hele rapporten er tilgjengelig her. (Kilde: Human Rights Watch) Kilde: Irak-BusinessNews. Legg inn din kommentar nedenfor. 0 svar 18 visning (er) ByAmmar Alsawad for Al Monitor. Eventuelle meninger som er uttrykt her, er forfatterens og gir ikke nødvendigvis refleksjonene i Irak Business News. 28. februar ble hundrevis av pro-Sadrist-studenter i Kut angrepet av Iraks statsminister Haider al-Abadi8217s prosesjon med steiner og vannflasker. Abadi8217s sikkerhetsstyrker fyrte tåregass og lever kuler på demonstranterne og skadet tre. Deretter ba Sadrists leder Muqtada al-Sadr (bildet) unnskyldte Abadi for bruddene. Selv om han oppfordret sine tilhengere til å stoppe protestene i Kut til videre varsel, anklaget han tidligere statsminister Nouri al-Maliki for å være bak bruddene for å forsøke å forvride Sadrist movement8217s bilde. Incidensen reflekterer den sterke konkurransen blant Irak8217s shiitiske ledere. Det er for tiden tre viktigste shiitiske figurer som konkurrerer om makt: leder av det islamske øverste råd Ammar al-Hakim, leder av delstaten Law CoalitionMaliki, og Sadr selv. Hver har sin egen plan for å forbli i makten og fjerne de andre eller begrense deres innflytelse. På februar 20, Sadrannounced en 29-punktinitiative: Initial Solutions hans visjon for fremtiden i Irak når den islamske staten (IS) er tvunget ut. Å holde lokale primære valg var blant poengene. Sadrs keenness på å holde valg er sannsynlig å ytterligere utdype theShiite splitter lederskapet for en flertallsposisjon. For en måned siden begynte Sadristbevegelsen å ringe til valgreformer, og forsøkte å redusere Malikis sterke muligheter for å vinne valget så lenge det ikke ble gjort radikale endringer i valgloven og kommisjonen. Kilde: Irak-BusinessNews. Legg inn din kommentar nedenfor. 0 svar 18 view (s) Kurdistan Regional statsminister, Nechirvan Barzani, mottok Ms Zainab Bangura, Spesiell representant for FNs generalsekretær om seksuell vold i konflikt, og hennes tilhørende delegasjon. Fru Bangura uttrykte sin takknemlighet for samarbeidet og bistanden fra de regionale myndighetene i Kurdistan til FNs organisasjoner, særlig på arbeidet med kvinner som har vært utsatt for seksuell vold. FN har klassifisert seksuell vold begått mot kvinner i konflikter som krigsforbrytelse. Ms Bangura berømte også aktivitetene til Women Support and Treatment Center, etablert av den regionale myndigheten i Kurdistan, med støtte fra De forente nasjoner i Governorate of Dohuk. I denne forbindelse sa hun at De forente nasjoner har til hensikt å åpne to andre sentre i Kurdistan-regionen og Bagdad for behandling av kvinner, voldsofre og de som er befriet fra den islamske statens terroristgruppe, ISIS. Praksis Ms Banguras aktiviteter innen bekjempelse av vold mot kvinner, oppfordret statsminister Barzani til støtte til KRGs innenriksdepartement og High Council of Women Affairs for bedre å ta opp kvinners relaterte problemer i samfunnet. Han understreket at KRG vil fortsette i sin innsats for å bekjempe vold mot kvinner, og er forpliktet til å tilby all slags hjelp i denne forbindelse. Andre temaer knyttet til kvinners tilstand i regionen generelt ble også diskutert. (Kilde: KRG) Kilde: Irak-BusinessNews. Legg inn din kommentar nedenfor. 0 svar 18 visning (er) Poll: American Public slått av ved konstante angrep av falske nyheter på POTUS Trump Jim Hoft 6. mars 2017 16:02 88 Kommentarer CNN-reporter Jim Acosta tar på president Trump på en skammelig skjerm. En ny Investor8217s Business Daily poll funnet amerikanere er slått av av de konstante angrepene av Fake News media utsalgssteder. Det blir gammelt. Investors reported:The mainstream media8217s open hostility to President Trump may be starting to backfire, according to the latest IBDTIPP poll. The poll found that 55 of the public says they8217ve grown 8220weary from the media8217s persistently negative coverage of President Trump.8221 A roughly equal share (54) also believe that the news media 8220has assumed the role of the opposition party, constantly opposing the president and his policies at every turn.8221 Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly hold these views (88 say they8217re tired of the relentless negativity), but the media8217s attacks are also turning off independents (55 of whom say they8217re weary of the negative coverage) and moderates (54 of whom are weary). Most also believe that the press has assumed the role of the opposition party8230 8230A study by the nonpartisan group Media Tenor found that only 3 of network news stories in the first month of the Trump administration could be described as positive. Of the rest, 43 were deemed negative, and 54 neutral. That8217s a stark contrast to the overwhelmingly positive coverage of the early Obama administration, despite the fact that Obama had his own share of early stumbles. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) Yesterday, 06:51 PM 5202 replies 175217 view(s) Yesterday, 02:44 PM Here8217s the List: More Than a Dozen Proven Victims of Obama8217s Many Wiretaps Jim Hoft Mar 5th, 2017 9:26 pm 366 Comments Guest post by Joe Hoft The Main Stream Media and other enemies of the current President are challenging the proposition that President Obama wire tapped President Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential race. President Trump started this discussion with his tweets over the weekend. In his first tweet President Trump tweeted:Terrible Just found out that Obama had my 8220wires tapped8221 in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism Terrible Just found out that Obama had my 8220wires tapped8221 in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism 8212 Donald J. Trump (realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017 He next tweeted:Is it legal for a sitting President to be 8220wire tapping8221 a race for president prior to an election Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW Is it legal for a sitting President to be 8220wire tapping8221 a race for president prior to an election Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW 8212 Donald J. Trump (realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017 Next the President tweeted:I8217d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election I8217d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election 8212 Donald J. Trump (realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017 The final for four tweets concerning the wire tapping:How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is NixonWatergate. Bad (or sick) guy How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is NixonWatergate. Bad (or sick) guy 8212 Donald J. Trump (realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017 This is now being referred to as Obamagate It is not unfounded that former President Obama would wire tap President Trump during the election process. This is because he has done this before. Here is a list of individuals who were wire tapped by the Obama Administration. WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd (see link here) of Obama Administration wire taps: The US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin Obama bugged Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for long term interception targetting his Swiss phone Obama singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human, and targetted his Swiss phone for long term interception Obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel8217s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy8217s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu Obama intercepted top EU and Japanese trade ministers discussing their secret strategy and red lines to stop the US 8220extort8221 them at the WTO Doha arounds (the t alks subsequently collapsed) Obama explicitly targeted five other top EU economic officials for long term interception, including their French, Austrian and Belgium phone numbers Obama explicitly targetted the phones of Italy8217s ambassador to NATO and other top Italian officials for long term interception and Obama intercepted details of a critical private meeting between then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel and Berluscon, where the latter was told the Italian banking system was ready to 8220pop like a cork8221. In addition to the above list we also know now that Obama wire tapped various individuals in the US media that were reporting information not flattering to the Obama Administration. It is widely known that Obama8217s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013: In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News8217 James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked. Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that 8220In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A. P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama8217s reputation.8221 Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware 8220proprietary to a government agency,8221 according to an article in the New York Post. Obama is no stranger to wire tapping. His administration tapped phones and computers of friends and foe alike. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) Yesterday, 02:32 PM By John Lee. The United Kingdom has agreed to provide up to 10 billion (12 billion) of support to Iraq over the next 10 years through loans to infrastructure development projects under UK Export Finance (UKEF). British Ambassador Frank Baker and Iraq8217s Acting Minister for Finance Abdlrazaq Alissa signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Sunday, reaffirming the UKs commitment to its friendship with Iraq, and its support for continued economic cooperation and development. Reuters quotes the Iraqi Minister as telling a press conference that the loans are exclusively allocated to British companies, with interest rates being set when the contracts are agreed. In a statement, the British Embassy in Baghdad said: 8220This particular MoU will support investment in critical infrastructure in Iraq. This infrastructure, like water and electricity, will improve the lives of millions of Iraqis. It will also help reinvigorate the private sector in Iraq, and may lead to new jobs for Iraqis. 8220UK Export Finance (UKEF) is able to consider applications to support eligible infrastructure development projects in Iraq where the project sources goods and services from the UK. The support can take the form of loan guarantees or direct loans. 8220UKEF and the Government of Iraq are already exploring a number of projects for support under the MoU which will benefit from high-quality goods and services from the UK, and improve quality of life across Iraq.8220 (Source: UK FCO, Reuters) Source: Iraq-BusinessNews. Post your commentary below. 0 replies 30 view(s) Yesterday, 02:32 PM GardaWorld, a global leader in comprehensive security and risk management, has made its weekly security report available to Iraq Business News readers. Prepared by GardaWorld8217s Risk Analysis Team in Iraq, this essential report includes short - and medium-term outlooks on the security situation, reports and commentary on recent significant events, and a detailed overview of developments across the country, including the battle to liberate Mosul. Please click here to download the latest report free of charge. For more information on how GardaWorld8217s services can support your business in Iraq, please contact Daniel Matthews, Senior Director Iraq, at daniel. matthewsgarda Source: Iraq-BusinessNews. Post your commentary below. 0 replies 29 view(s) Yesterday, 02:32 PM BySaraal-Qaher for Al Monitor. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News. On Feb. 20, the Iraqi Oil Ministry signed a memorandum of understanding with the Iranian Oil Ministry to settle disputes over the joint oil fields and examine the possibility of building a pipeline to export crude oil from the Kirkuk fields, in the north of Iraq, through Iran. The ministry also wants to study moving Iraqi crude oil to the Iranian Abadan refinery. According to an Iraqi Oil Ministrystatement, Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi agreed with his Iranian counterpart Bijan Zanganeh during the latters visit to Iraq on coordinating their stances in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to achieve balance in the global oil markets, support oil prices and study the construction of pipelines to export crude oil from Kirkuk fields through Iran. Five Iraqi oil fields are situated along the border with Iran: Dehloran, Shahr, Paydar Gharb, Aban and Al Noor. Baghdad and Tehran share the fields of Majnoon, Abu Ghraib, Bazerkan, Al-Fakkah and Khana. These fields contain huge reserves of light crude oil close to the earths surface and reserves exceeding 95 billion barrels. This is the largest reserve of hydrocarbons in the Middle East. On Feb. 2, Iranian companies resumed drilling 20 new oil wells in the southern Azadegan field, which is one of the shared oil fields between Iraq and Iran. Oil and Energy Committee member of parliament Ahmad Madloul told Al-Monitor that most disputed oil wells are Iraqi, according to the maps that were published before the Iran-Iraqwar. But Iran believes otherwise. The agreement will be decisive for settling the dispute. He said, If a joint committee is not formed, the oil wells will bring bigger problems in the future for both countries. He asked that the committee identify, when formed, the proprietorship of the lands first to find out who rightfully owns the oil wells on the shared borders. Source: Iraq-BusinessNews. Post your commentary below. 0 replies 29 view(s) Yesterday, 02:32 PM Advertising FeatureRabee Securities Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) market report (week ending: 2nd Mar 2017). Please click here to download a table of listed companies and their associated ticker codes. The RSISX index ended the week at IQ1082 (-0.9) 1110 (-0.2) (weekly change) (12.7 and 17.2 YTD change, respectively). The number of week traded shares was 26.9bn and the weekly trading volume was IQD15.2bn (12.0mn). ISX Company Announcements The CBI attributed the decrease in the exchange rate for U. S. dollar to IQD to applying the new system for the currency auctions that brings simplifications and transparency in the auctions and providing competition among banks by setting ratings for each of them. (Alsumaria, RS) Economy Bank for Investment (BEFI) will hold a GA on Mar. 8, 2017 to discuss increasing the capital and electing new BoD. ISX will suspend trading of BEFI starting on Mar. 5, 2017. Al-Ameen Estate Investment (SAEI) will hold AGM on Mar. 6, 2017 to discuss and approve 2015 annual financial results. ISX suspended trading of SAEI starting on Mar. 1, 2017. North Bank (BNOR) replied ISX request on Mar. 1, 2017 to explain why the prices touched the higher limit. The bank said that because the CBI approved to resume the banks functions of issuing LGs, guarantees and participating in the currency auction. A cross transaction occurred on 21.1bn shares of Mosul Bank for Development and Investment (BMFI) on Feb. 27, 2017, which represents 8.4 of BMFI capital. Iraqi for Tufted Carpets (IITC) requested its shareholders to provide their identification papers and documents with the correct addresses otherwise the company may delay its dividend distribution. Source: Iraq-BusinessNews. Post your commentary below. 0 replies 29 view(s) Yesterday, 02:32 PM From Al Jazeera. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News. Fighting is not without a human toll. Iraqi authorities say on average 10,000 civilians are fleeing their homes each day, with camps quickly filling up. Al Jazeera8216s Stefanie Dekker reports from one such camp for internally displaced people, in Khazir, east of Mosul: Source: Iraq-BusinessNews. Post your commentary below. 0 replies 28 view(s) Yesterday, 02:32 PM U. S. and coalition military forces continued to attack the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria on Saturday, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve officials reported yesterday. Officials reported details of the latest strikes, noting that assessments of results are based on initial reports. Strikes in Syria Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of eight engagements in Syria: Near Abu Kamal, a strike destroyed a weapons storage facility. Near Raqqah, two strikes engaged an ISIS staging area and damaged a supply route. Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed five oil well heads and an oil inlet manifold. Strikes in Iraq Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 49 engagements in Iraq, coordinated with and in support of Iraqs government: Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and a rocket-propelled grenade team destroyed nine fighting positions, a heavy machine gun, an ISIS-held building and a mortar system damaged 26 supply routes and suppressed 15 mortar teams. Near Rawah, two strikes destroyed a fuel storage tank and an ISIS-held building. Part of Operation Inherent Resolve These strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The destruction of ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria also further limits the group8217s ability to project terror and conduct external operations throughout the region and the rest of the world, task force officials said. The list above contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing or remotely piloted aircraft rocket-propelled artillery and some ground-based tactical artillery when fired on planned targets, officials noted. Ground-based artillery fired in counterfire or in fire support to maneuver roles is not classified as a strike, they added. A strike, as defined by the coalition, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single or cumulative effect. For example, task force officials explained, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone ISIS vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of ISIS-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined, officials said. The task force does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. (Source: US Dept of Defense) Source: Iraq-BusinessNews. Post your commentary below. 0 replies 31 view(s) 03-05-2017, 08:59 PM Schumer pulled strings to get athlete past Trump8217s travel ban guy gets charged sexually abusing a child March 4, 2017 Carmine Sabia Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer has inadvertently made a strong case for extreme vetting of those wanting to enter the United States. The New York senator, and Senate minority leader, pulled strings to obtain a visa for a snowshoe racer from India to gain entry to America for a competition only to have that same man apprehended on charges of child sex abuse. Tanveer Hussain, who is from the heavily Muslim region of Kashmir, according to the Washington Post, was initially denied a visa in the days after President Donald Trump8217s travel ban, but after Schumer and the mayor of Saranac Lake in New York intervened, he was granted a visa. Hussain, and team manager Abid Khan, were given a hero8217s welcome by the town when they arrived for competition on Feb. 23 because of the ordeal they had to go through to get into the nation. They were given free lodging and congratulations, according to the Post. But that changed when Hussain was apprehended and charged with felony sexual abuse and child welfare endangerment on Wednesday, according to police. The incident happened when Hussain allegedly assaulted a 12-year-old who was in the pool of the hotel he was staying at when the two of them were alone. The parents reported the incident to police FULL STORY 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 07:05 PM US Congressman offers withering response to Donald Trumps wiretap claims A US congressman has given a withering response to Donald Trumps claims that Barack Obama had his offices in New York wiretapped. Ted Lieu, the member of the House of Representatives from Californias 33rd district, called the President paranoid like Nixon. The Democrat also suggested that he was in trouble and that danger was posed by Mr Trump. Mr President: If there was a wiretap at Trump Tower, that means a fed judge found probable cause of crime which means you are in deep shit, Mr Lieu tweeted. Either realDonaldTrump is paranoid like Nixon, or judge found probable cause of crime for wiretap. Either way our President is in trouble, he said in a further tweet. Mr Trump also made the allegation against his predecessor on Twitter and did not provide any evidence to support his claim. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 07:02 PM Trump: In terms of messaging, I would give myself a C or a C-plus During a Fox amp Friends interview that aired Tuesday, President Trump defended his performance in office but acknowledged some snags in how his policies are promoted. Asked how he would grade his presidency so far, Trump volunteered two separate answers, giving himself an A in effort and achievement but a C or a C-plus in messaging. He should be more honest (but wait. he lacks complete sense of honesty, so dont hold your breath, yet) and gives himself an F, or F-plus at the best. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 06:58 PM Trumps evidence-free wiretap allegation dominates Sunday talk shows President Trumps assertion that former President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones before the election dominated the political talk shows on Sunday. Trump provided no citations to back up the claim, and a spokesman for the former president branded the accusation simply false. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 06:53 PM Trump flashes anger over Sessions recusal, Russia stories in tense Oval Office meeting Before heading off to his so-called quotwinter White Housequot in Palm Beach, Florida, on Friday, President Donald Trump summoned some of his senior staff to the Oval Office and went quotballistic, quot senior White House sources told ABC News. The president erupted with anger over the latest slew of news reports connecting Russia with the new administration -- specifically the abrupt decision by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. Sources said the president felt Sessions recusal was unnecessary and only served to embolden Trumps political opponents. The attorney general made his announcement Thursday just as Trump returned to Washington from a trip to the U. S.S. Gerald Ford in Virginia for a speech about his agenda as president. Hours earlier, aboard the ship, the president had told reporters that he had quottotalquot confidence in Sessions and saw no reason why the attorney general should recuse himself. 8220We should have had a good week. We should have had a good weekend. But once again, back to Russia, quot a senior White House official said, expressing the frustration simmering in the West Wing following the news earlier in the week that Sessions failed to disclose during his confirmation process that he had met with the Russian ambassador twice during the election campaign. Sessions at the time was a senator on the Armed Services Committee and was also helping the Trump campaign. Among those gathered in the Oval Office on Friday: Chief of staff Reince Priebus, chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, White House Counsel Don McGahn, press secretary Sean Spicer, newly-hired Communications Director Mike Dubke, along with Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump, the sources said. With Marine One waiting on the South Lawn, Trump and his team engaged in an animated exchange -- captured by press pool cameras peering in through the windows from the White House South Lawn. Trump then left the office for the helicopter, taking the hands of his young grandchildren and joined by his daughter Ivanka and Kushner. Priebus and Bannon were planning to join the trip, but suddenly after the presidents eruption those plans changed. One source said both men volunteered to stay behind in Washington, with another source saying the president seemed to concur that they should. As President Trump was in the air aboard Marine One headed for Air Force One on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, a last-minute phone call was made from the West Wing to the team on board the president8217s plane with a directive to remove Priebus and Bannon from the manifest, sources said. They would not be coming to the Sunshine State. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 06:50 PM Are you saying or asking that I am just like you. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 06:47 PM Politics Trump defiant as new Russia ties emerge Washington (AFP) - An avalanche of new revelations about ties between Donald Trumps aides and Russia forced the White House back on the offensive Friday, overshadowing a presidential weekend trip to Florida and his well-received major speech. Before arriving at his Mar-a-Lago resort for the fourth time in five weeks, Trump accused his political foes of conducting quota total witch huntquot into links with Moscow, which he denies. The angry accusation came as Attorney General Jeff Sessions -- a close Trump confidant and the US governments top law enforcement official -- was forced to recuse himself from any Russia-related inquiries. After Sessions told senators under oath that quotI didnt have -- did not have communications with the Russians, quot journalists uncovered he had actually met the Russian ambassador twice in the months before taking office. The meetings have raised red flags for Democrats, who have called for Sessions to resign and be investigated for perjury. Trump said he had quottotalquot confidence in Sessions, who quotcould have stated his response more accuratelyquot but quotdid not say anything wrong. quot Trump lashed out at leading Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer. Trump tweeted an old picture of the senator with Russian President Vladimir Putin along with the caption: quotWe should start an immediate investigation into SenSchumer and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocritequot He later demanded a quotsecond investigationquot into House Democrat Nancy Pelosi. Since US intelligence took the unprecedented step of publicly accusing Russia of trying to swing the November election in Trumps favor, questions have swirled about whether some in Trumps campaign colluded with Moscow. Trump has repeatedly denied any personal ties to the Kremlin, and his aides have variously denied or played down contacts with Russian officials. But it has now emerged that a slew of associates aside from Sessions and already fired national security advisor Michael Flynn met Moscows envoy to Washington, Sergey Kislyak, before Trump took office. - Multiple probes - US media reported that advisors JD Gordon and Carter Page met Kislyak and, separately, that Flynn and Trumps son-in-law and senior White House aide Jared Kushner met Kislyak at Trump Tower in New York last December. Sessions own meetings with the envoy took place much earlier, in July and September, just as accusations of Russian interference in the election were mounting, according to The Washington Post. According to officials, US intelligence agencies and the Federal Bureau of Investigation continue to investigate just how and how much Moscow intruded into US politics. Four congressional committees have opened probes into the issue, although Democrats fear Republicans will seek to bury their investigations to protect Trumps young administration. Trumps White House has lobbied the FBI, reportedly the CIA and two Republicans who head committees leading investigations into Russias election meddling to knock down media reports on the alleged links. - Travel ban still on hold - The latest furor has come at a terrible time for Trumps White House. Earlier this week, Trump delivered his maiden address to Congress, a speech that was well received and offered an opportunity to turn the page on 40 tumultuous days in office. His address was widely praised -- he adopted a more measured tone, which rounded the sharper edges of his nationalist rhetoric. Trump could have expected a bounce in the polls. His approval rating currently stands at 43 percent, according to Gallup -- a historic low for a modern president this early in his term. Apart from dealing with allegations about Russia ties, much of the last month has been spent dealing with a contentious travel ban on citizens from seven majority Muslim countries. Trumps first order was knocked down by the courts and a second order has been repeatedly delayed. The latest expected deadline -- Wednesday -- came and went. quotWhen the president has made a decision about something that hes ready for us to announce, well announce it, but were not there yet, quot spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 06:42 PM And here is my opinion. There is Only one fact that remains. Donaldof Trumpler is a Russian Puppet. He was placed at the Oval Office by his Russian Associates. That, my friend, is my opinionated FACT. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:59 PM NYTimes Flashback: Obama May Have Spied on Trump Reports Sent to White House of Wiretaps on Trump Associates Kristinn Taylor Mar 5th, 2017 11:56 am Leave a Comment Less than two months ago, the day before the inauguration of Donald Trump as president, the New York Times reported the possibility that the Obama administration was spying on Trump. The Times report also said that three Trump associates were being spied on by the Obama administration and that reports on the wiretaps were delivered to the Obama White House. The two keys lines in the article are one stating could not be ruled out that Trump himself was being spied on by Obama. The other being the wiretap reports being sent to the White House. Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump AssociatesAmerican law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said. The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts. It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump8217s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself. It is also unclear whether the inquiry has anything to do with an investigation into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee8217s computers and other attempts to disrupt the elections in November. The American government has concluded that the Russian government was responsible for a broad computer hacking campaign, including the operation against the D. N.C. The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect8217s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia8217s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said. Mr. Manafort is among at least three Trump campaign advisers whose possible links to Russia are under scrutiny. Two others are Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser to the campaign, and Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative. The F. B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C. I.A. and the Treasury Department8217s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House82308221 Ht: John Nolte. Daniel Greenfield, writing at Front Page on Sunday, aptly slams the media over its reaction to President Trump8217s claim he was spied on by Obama, 8220THE MEDIA PRETENDS NOT TO KNOW THE WIRETAPPING OF TRUMP THEY ARE USING8220. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:52 PM Flashback: First FISA Request on Trump Tower Came After Clinton and AG Lynch Met Privately on Tarmac Jim Hoft Mar 5th, 2017 10:34 am 61 Comments Guest post by Joe Hoft Was it coincidence or an indication of things to come The pieces to Obamagate are falling together. On June 27th of 2016, Bill Clinton met secretly with Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. A week later FBI Director James Comey laid out in a press conference the many scandalous activities taken by Hillary Clinton while she was President Obama8217s Secretary of State and then he said the famous words:Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.8221 We now know that the meeting between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lynch occurred at about the same time that the Obama administration filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, was denied. Fast forward to October 2016. Wikileaks began releasing emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, rolling out batches every day until the election, creating new mini-scandals. These emails were virtually ignored by the mainstream media who were in the bag for Democrat Hillary Clinton but were spread widely by websites that chose to share the truth like this one. At the same time, The Obama administration submitted a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found 8212 but the wiretaps continued, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration was monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services. At about this same time the leaks started coming. Liberal website Slate posted a report on October 31st titled: Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia The subtitle to the post read: 8220This spring, a group of computer scientists set out to determine whether hackers were interfering with the Trump campaign. They found something they weren8217t expecting.8221 The article shared a story of innocent 8216anonymous8217 hackers who went searched the net and found the following:In late July, one of these scientists8212who asked to be referred to as Tea Leaves, a pseudonym that would protect his relationship with the networks and banks that employ him to sift their data8212found what looked like malware emanating from Russia. The destination domain had Trump in its name, which of course attracted Tea Leaves8217 attention. But his discovery of the data was pure happenstance8212a surprising needle in a large haystack of DNS lookups on his screen. 8220I have an outlier here that connects to Russia in a strange way,8221 he wrote in his notes. He couldn8217t quite figure it out at first. But what he saw was a bank in Moscow that kept irregularly pinging a server registered to the Trump Organization on Fifth Avenue. The creative article went on to try and paint a connection with now President Trump:The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump8217s server. 8220I8217ve never seen a server set up like that,8221 says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world8217s nastiest botnet attacks. 8220It looked weird, and it didn8217t pass the sniff test.8221 The server was first registered to Trump8217s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server8217s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. 8220I get more mail in a day than the server handled,8221 Davis says. The question that arrises from the post is why was an individual who supposedly won an award at the FBI looking into a server at the Trump Tower Was this the beginning of the Obamagate leaks And what did Attorney General Loretta Lynch discuss with Bill Clinton on the Arizona tarmac 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:49 PM Trump White House Orders Investigation of Alleged Illegal Wiretapping by Obama Administration on Trump TowerMar 5th, 2017 8:30 am by Jim Hoft White House Pre. ss Secretary Sean Spicer announced Sunday the Trump administration is requesting an investigation into the abuse of power 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:43 PM rump plans full review of Dodd-Frank act Since taking office, President Trump has looked to fulfill some of his campaign promises by using executive orders. Here are the 25orders, actions and memoranda he has signed so far: An order directing a review of a controversial Obama-era water rule that gave the federal government broad regulatory authority over rivers, streams and wetlands. An order moving the HBCU (Historically Black College and Universities) offices back from the Department of Education to the White House. An order requiring every agency to establish a Regulatory Reform Task Force to evaluate regulations and recommend rules for repeal or modification. Three orders establishing three Department of Justice task forces to fight drug cartels, reduce violent crime and reduce attacks against police. An order directing the Treasury secretary to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law. A memorandum instructing the Labor Department to delay implementing an Obama rule requiring financial professionals who are giving advice on retirement, and who charge commissions, to put their clients interests first. An order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others. A memorandum to restructure the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. A memorandum directing the Secretary of Defense to draw up a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS. An order to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists. There is now a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. An executive order imposing a 120-day suspension of the refugee program and a 90-day ban on travel to the U. S. from citizens of seven terror hot spots: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan. Two multi-pronged orders on border security and immigration enforcement including: the authorization of a U. S.-Mexico border wall the stripping of federal grant money to sanctuary cities hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents ending 8220catch-and-release8221 policies for illegal immigrants and reinstating local and state immigration enforcement partnerships. A memorandum calling for a 30-day review of military readiness. Two orders reviving the Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota Access piplines. He also signed three other related orders that would: expedite the environmental permitting process for infrastructure projects related to the pipelines direct the Commerce Department to streamline the manufacturing permitting process and give the Commerce Department 180 days to maximize the use of U. S. steel in the pipeline. An order to reinstate the so-called quotMexico City Policyquot 8211 a ban on federal funds to international groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote abortion. The policy was instituted in 1984 by President Reagan, but has gone into and out of effect depending on the party in power in the White House. A notice that the U. S. will begin withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump called the order quota great thing for the American worker. quot An order imposing a hiring freeze for some federal government workers as a way to shrink the size of government. This excludes the military, as Trump noted at the signing. An order that directs federal agencies to ease the 8220regulatory burdens8221 of ObamaCare. It orders agencies to 8220waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation of any provision or requirement8221 of ObamaCare that imposes a 8220fiscal burden on any State or a cost, fee, tax, penalty, or regulatory burden on individuals, families, healthcare providers, health insurers, patients, recipients of healthcare services, purchasers of health insurance, or makers of medical devices, products, or medications.82218203 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:40 PM President Trump Plans Monday Morning Blitz with New Immigration Executive Order4973 6 Pablo Martinez MonsivaisAP by MATTHEW BOYLE5 Mar 2017Washington, D. C.471 SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER President Donald Trump will release a new executive order on immigration Monday morning, sources with knowledge of these matters tell Breitbart News. The new order comes after the first one8212temporarily suspending the refugee program and barring travel into the United States from seven terror-prone countries8212was met with backlash in the court system, with a district court and the ninth circuit court of appeals shutting it down. This new order is slightly different from the first one, sources say, and moves Iraq8212one of the seven countries from the first order8212to a different category. It8217s not entirely clear what the new category is or how Iraq will be handled in this new order at this time. It8217s also unclear what other changes may be made from the first order, including in particular how the new one will handle the refugee program. When Trump rolled out his first order, he was met with weekend protests in airports nationwide by progressive activists and members of the Muslim community in his first full weekend as president. Then acting Attorney General Sally Yates refused to enforce the order, and President Trump swiftly fired her for failing to serve the Department of Justice honorably by enforcing the law as she previously had agree to do when she accepted the position. Since then, now-former Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama has been confirmed as the new Attorney General and sources tell Breitbart News that he and other cabinet members including Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly8212a former Marine Corps general who led U. S. Southern Command before his nomination and confirmation8212have been consulted on this executive order. At a White House press briefing back on Feb. 23, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the new order was 8220finalized8221 and the administration was working to implement it. 8220What we are doing is now in the implementation phase of working with the respective departments and agencies to make sure that when we execute this, it8217s done in a manner that8217s flawless,8221 Spicer said. While Spicer also made clear that the administration believes the first order was lawful, done in compliance with U. S. code and authority granted to the president, and that it will succeed eventually in the legal process in overturning the ninth circuit ruling, he said that the new order does take into account the appeals court8217s decision. Spicer said: We8217ve taken the Court8217s opinions and concerns into consideration, but the order is finalized. It8217s now awaiting implementation. What we want to do is make sure that we8217re working through the departments and agencies so that any concerns or questions are handled on the front end. But we are acting with appropriate haste and diligence to make sure that the order is done in an appropriate manner. It was originally thought that President Trump would sign the new order on Wednesday this past week, but reports surfaced that he called it off amid the positive reception he received after his highly successful address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night. 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:36 PM White House: Congress must probe alleged Obama power abuse4521 6 The Associated Press by AP5 Mar 2017625 SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) 8212 The White House demanded on Sunday that Congress investigate whether former President Barack Obama abused his executive powers in connection with the 2016 presidential election. President Donald Trump leveled that claim on Saturday when he accused his predecessor of tapping telephones at Trump Tower. But Trump offered no supporting evidence, a spokesman for Obama denied the claim as 8220simply false8221 and lawmakers in both parties asked for proof. White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a statement Sunday that reports 8220concerning potentially politically motivated investigations immediately ahead of the 2016 election are very troubling.8221 8220President Donald J. Trump is requesting that as part of their investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees exercise their oversight authority to determine whether executive branch investigative powers were abused in 2016,8221 Spicer said. It was unclear what reports Spicer was referring to, and what prompted Trump to make the allegation. Spicer ended the statement by saying that neither the White House nor Trump will comment further 8220until such oversight is conducted.8221 In a series of morning tweets Saturday, Trump suggested Obama was behind a politically motivated plot to upend his campaign. He compared the alleged events to 8220NixonWatergate8221 and 8220McCarthyism8221 And he called Obama a 8220Bad (or sick) guy.8221 The Watergate break-in during the Nixon administration led to President Richard Nixon8217s resignation and the conviction of several aides. Republican Sen. Joe McCarthy8217s reckless and unsupported charges of communist infiltration in federal government during the 1950s gave rise to the term 8220McCarthyism.8221 After Trump8217s well-received speech to Congress on Tuesday, the tweets reflected the president8217s growing frustration with the swirling allegations about his advisers8217 ties to Russia, which are under FBI investigation, and his team8217s inability to overcome them. Trump lashed out at his senior team during an Oval Office meeting Friday, according to one White House official. The White House did not respond to questions about what prompted the president8217s accusations that Obama had tapped his phones. Presidents cannot legally order wiretaps against U. S. citizens. Obtaining wiretaps would require officials at the Justice Department to seek permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is shrouded in secrecy. Trump said in the tweets that he had 8220just found out8221 the information, though it was unclear whether he was referring to a briefing, a conversation or a media report. The president has in the past tweeted about unsubstantiated and provocative reports he reads on blogs or conservative websites. The morning tweets stand out, even for the perpetually piqued Trump, given the gravity of the charge and the strikingly personal attack on the former president. Trump spoke as recently as last month about how much he likes Obama and how much they get along, despite their differences. Trump contended that the wiretapping occurred in October at Trump Tower, the New York skyscraper where he ran his campaign and transition. He also maintains a residence there. 8220How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is NixonWatergate. Bad (or sick) guy8221 he tweeted, misspelling 8216tap.8217 Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said a 8220cardinal rule8221 of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered in Justice Department investigations, which are supposed to be conducted free of political influence. 8220As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U. S. citizen,8221 Lewis said, adding that 8220any suggestion otherwise is simply false.8221 Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement that Trump was making 8220the most outlandish and destructive claims without providing a scintilla of evidence to support them.8221 Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb. urged Trump to explain what he knows about the wiretapping allegations, 8220ideally to the full public, and at a bare minimum to the U. S. Senate.8221 Trump has been trailed for months by questions about his campaign8217s ties to Russia. The questions have been compounded by U. S. intelligence agencies8217 assessment that Russia interfered with the election to help Trump triumph over Hillary Clinton, along with disclosures about his aides8217 contacts with a Russian official. Those disclosures have already cost retired Gen. Michael Flynn his job as national security adviser and prompted calls from Democrats for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign. On Thursday, Sessions withdrew from overseeing the FBI probe after acknowledging he did not disclose his campaign-season contacts with Russia8217s ambassador to the United States when asked during his confirmation proceedings. Sessions, a U. S. senator at the time, was Trump8217s earliest Senate supporter. The Sessions revelations deepened the president8217s anger over what he sees as his team8217s inability to get ahead of the Russia allegations. In the Oval Office meeting Friday shortly before departing for Florida, he angrily told senior advisers that what had the potential to be a good week following his address to Congress had been overtaken by the Russia controversy, according to a White House official who insisted on anonymity in order to discuss the private meeting. The president8217s allegations may be related to anonymously sourced reports in British media and blogs, and on conservative-leaning U. S. websites, including Breitbart News. Those reports claimed that U. S. officials had obtained a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to review contacts between computers at a Russian bank and Trump8217s New York headquarters. The Associated Press has not confirmed these contacts or the investigation into them. Trump8217s chief strategist Steve Bannon is a former executive chairman of Breitbart News 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:29 PM Former Obama AG Loretta Lynch Releases Disturbing Overnight Video about Blood and Death Jim Hoft Mar 5th, 2017 8:59 am 159 Comments Guest post by Joe Hoft Overnight the former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch released a disturbing video calling for marching, blood and even death. Lynch worked for President Obama and is most known for not investigating the Clinton Foundation and for meeting former President Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in June 2016 while his wife, Hillary Clinton, was being investigated for illegal email abuses while she was Obama8217s Secretary of State. This woman was the head of the US Department of Justice under President Obama. She was so terribly dishonest and incompetent and now she shows how nutty she is. hat tip twitterLadydeManorBorn Former Obama AG Loretta Lynch Releases Disturbing Overnight Video about Blood and Death ltstronggtltfont sizequot5quotgt Jim Hoft Mar 5th, 2017 8:59 am 159 Comments Guest post by Joe Hoft Overnight the former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch released a disturbing video calling for marching, blood and even death. Lynch worked for President Obama and is most known for not investigating the Clinton Foundation and for meeting former President Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac in June 2016 while his wife, Hillary Clinton, was being investigated for illegal email abuses while she was Obama8217s Secretary of State. This woman was the head of the US Department of Justice under President Obama. She was so terribly dishonest and incompetent and now she shows how nutty she is. hat tip twitterLadydeManorBorn 5202 replies 175217 view(s) 03-05-2017, 05:26 PM Lewandowski: Obama Bugged Senator Sessions While He Was STILL SENATOR Last Year (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Mar 5th, 2017 9:38 am 443 Comments Former Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski told Judge Jeanine on Saturday that the Obama Administration wiretapped sitting US Senator Jeff Sessions while he was still a sitting senator Lewandowski: What we8217ve seen from the previous administration is that they did spend time listening to conversations between then Senator Jeff Sessions and the ambassador to Russia while he was in his US Senate office. if that were to take place which supposedly did take place, what other conversations did they listen in on Judge Jeanine: Whoa, you8217re saying they were listening to conversations between then Senator Sessions and the Russian Ambassador Kislyak or are you talking about Mike Flynn and Kislyak Lewandowski: No, I8217m talking about Jeff Sessions. Lewandowski: Obama Bugged Senator Sessions While He Was STILL SENATOR Last Year (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Mar 5th, 2017 9:38 am 443 Comments Former Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski told Judge Jeanine on Saturday that the Obama Administration wiretapped sitting US Senator Jeff Sessions while he was still a sitting senator Lewandowski: What we8217ve seen from the previous administration is that they did spend time listening to conversations between then Senator Jeff Sessions and the ambassador to Russia while he was in his US Senate office. if that were to take place which supposedly did take place, what other conversations did they listen in on Judge Jeanine: Whoa, you8217re saying they were listening to conversations between then Senator Sessions and the Russian Ambassador Kislyak or are you talking about Mike Flynn and Kislyak Lewandowski: No, I8217m talking about Jeff Sessions. ltfont colorquot444444quotgtltspan stylequotfont-family: Latoquotgtltfont sizequot5quotgt 5202 replies 175217 view(s) More Activity No More Results No Recent ActivityGold for Oil: India and Iran Ditch Dollar 8211 Report According to a new and yet unconfirmed report, India bought oil from Iran using gold. India certainly has the gold resources to fund the oil, while Iran is under pressure by the West, due the continuation of its nuclear program. There were reports that officials have been floating this idea for some time, and now, as the EU finally decided upon an oil embargo on Iran, more details became available, yet still pend confirmation. Download the full forex outlook for Q4, which includes an in-depth analysis of the Middle Eastern issues by joining the mailing list in the form below. Oil is priced in US dollars, and bypassing the greenback posed challenges for both parties. Two banks are reportedly involved in this deal: India8217s state owned UCO Bank and Turkey8217s state owned Halkbank. Both banks don8217t have any business with the US and therefore are less vulnerable to sanctions. According to the report, an Indian delegation has spent time in Tehran and finalized the details of the transactions. The annual capacity of trade between these two countries is 12 billion dollars. With gold trading at around 1668, that is around 7.2 million ounces of gold. The step joins Russia and Iran8217s announcement to begin trading in their own domestic currencies rather than use the US dollar 8211 a reserve currency. These details about the gold for oil deal come on the day that EU officials announce an oil embargo on Iran starting on July 1st. Tensions between Iran and the West are mounting and oil is already on the up . The time it took the EU to reach the decision, and the late implementation date make it very easy for Iran to enlarge exports to oil hungry and fast growing Asian countries. The use of gold for buying the No. 1 commodity, will likely have positive implications for the precious metal, if this report is confirmed and especially if the use of gold widens to China 8211 the world8217s No. 2 economy. Om forfatteren Yohay Elam Grunnlegger, forfatter og redaktør Jeg har vært i forex trading i over 5 år, og jeg deler erfaringen som jeg har og kunnskapen som jeg har akkumulert. Etter å ha tatt et kort kurs om forex. Som mange forexhandlere har jeg tjent den betydelige delen av kunnskapen min på den harde måten. Makroøkonomi, virkningen av nyheter på evigvarende valutamarkeder og handelspsykologi har alltid fascinert meg. Før jeg startet Forex Crunch, jobbet Ive som programmerer i ulike høyteknologiske selskaper. Jeg har en B. Sc. i datavitenskap fra Ben Gurion University. Gitt denne bakgrunnen har forex-programvare en relativt større andel i innleggene. Yohays Google Profile Related Posts Russia has long desired warm water ports in the region. What do you suppose the Russian response will be if the US offers to partition Iran with them And offers India a free hand with its western problem Boy, that8217s a hard choice. Gambling on thermonuclear destruction, if it actually makes it past the ABM systems, and is actually still in a condition to launch. OR gaining a large section of desired territory, and additional oil supplies. And taking a shot at ending islamic terrorism in the (soon to be restored) Southern sections of the Soviet Union. Care to take a bet on who Russia chooses to side with in the end After all, we know what Stalin8217s choice was in 19398230 Enjoy pushing your car to work. That was pretty lame. I8217m sick of American macho-ism, especially when stupidity is involved. Our government is corrupt and our schools are crap and nobody is behind us to pick up our torch. Then, we get people who make dumb comments like this. It8217s a comment derived from how our government is run. Treat others like crap because we can. Just because America has been an empire for the past century doesn8217t mean it goes on forever. We8217re fading. Wake up Either we get someone in office (aka Ron Paul) who understands bullying pisses other peoplecountries off (remember 911) or we go to war with China and others. We8217ll get our ass kicked and you won8217t hiding behind some anonymous handle. You8217ll be crying. Nothing8217s better than a good ass whooping to correct character flaws. The US economy may be wobbling, but the US military is not. The US military would stomp a mud-hole into Russia8217s in about 6 months if they stood toe-to-toe(that8217s if the Russian Army sobers up, if not, less). Now, if Russia get8217s nasty and decides to go nuclear, about half would make it out of the silo, half of those would make it to orbit, half of those would make it over the target, half of those would deploy, and half of those would have a functional guidance system, and out of all of those (2 or 3 warheads), they would be shot down quick, fast, and in a hurry. Anyhow, going to a hard currency is a good idea, maybe those jagaloons in Washington will wake up. dick 8211 6 months are you really that stupid how long have were we in iraq how long have we been in afghanistan both of those countries have far less capabilities than russia. If the US military gets into a fight with Russia, the gloves come off. The US8217s back will be against a wall. It won8217t be some PC mission about rebuilding and stabilizing a region. Obviously you have no clue of the US military8217s capabilities (one carrier battle group is the fourth most powerful navy in the world, 11 total). That8217s a whole bunch of hurt and hate that will be unchained. At 1500ounce there is about 5 Trillion USD worth of Gold Above Ground, you think that is going to satisfy the appetite the world has for interest bearing instruments you may be able to buy alot of oil, wheat etc. with Gold if you don8217t mind taking the heat when the prices swing violently. but then what you think the worlds biggest consummer is going to pay for your products in Gold in Rubles think again, you think there are enough Canadien Dollars and Aussie Dollars and Japanese Yen to be used as an interest bearing reserve I think NOT. the USD is KING. You are still assuming that the world is dying to own the dollar. Det er ikke. Ask Alex about Russia8217s great space program8230 Has that Mars probe even finished crashing yet Gotta say, I8217m not too worried about Russians acting tough It8217s a fallacy to believe the consumer drives the economy. Producers are the engine. Consumers are the caboose. The world is beginning to realize that they don8217t need to give up their labor or resources for increasingly worthless paper. It8217s ok for them to enjoy the fruits of their own labor. Trading gold for oil, or wheat for manufactured goods is a perfectly valid way of marginalizing the banking interests in world trade. The world8217s appetite for interest bearing instruments will also wain as inflation takes hold. China for example has significantly reduced their purchases of bonds and have been using their free cash flow to buy mineral rights around the world. The Fed is currently filling the void, but unless some big lender steps up to the plate 8211 or, less likely, the Federal Gov8217t balances it8217s budget 8211 that is going to result in hyperinflation sooner rather than later. Like the elder Lion is pushed out of the pride by new blood, the Dollars position as king will soon end. Alex, from russianfreedomforum. Our U. S. Fed is printing money as fast as it can go, but the Europeans are printing Euros even faster. The proof is the dollar costs 15 more Euros than it did several months ago. I8217m in manufacturing and it8217s hurting our exports. In fact, we8217re cancelling our google advertising to Eurocustomers until things go the other way. It may be awhile as the European Union has to print up enough money to bail out the Greeks and the Dagoes,8230etc. yeah8230..hes rite. your a stupid american. you wont see the fall of your empire until your neck deep in shit. Iraq tried to set up an oil market that did not trade in dollars a few years before OIF Ghadafi was trying to set one up that traded in dollars a few years before the 8220revolution8221. So how long before the US invades Iran andor India, since that is the trend And how many Americans realize what inflation awaits them if nobody needs their dollars to buy oil and they all come home like chickens to roost Iran is not Iraq. And Russia is not pushover. There are many thousands of Russian personnel working in Iran. I seriously doubt Russian politicians want to see their civilians burned to a cinder either8230 They would step aside8230 It8217s in their interest to: A: get their share of the oil from a multinational settlement. B: Not burn down the planet. Do you want to bet that they do not mind burning US troops in Middle East to the cinder. BTW, do you have any idea just how big Russia is Of course not. You seem to think Russia is still relevant. They8217re not. I promise. They have a negative birthrate, for Christ8217s sake. Right Iran is the country that fought Iraq with a 3:1 advantage and Iraq almost one. Great fighters there There were thousands of Ruskies in North Vietnam but when Nixon got serious there were none to be found. U. S. lost that war big time F Arabs and 8220Moo8221homid Alex8230.we destroyed the Solviet Union. Kom over det. Your empire is gone. America will be he before you were born and after you die. Rot in communism you twerp WE did not at all destroy the Soviet Union. They went bankrupt because they couldn8217t outspend us. In the meantime they have recovered. In the meantime they have maintained their nuclear arsinals and mondernized their delivery systems. War with Russia is just as unthinkable as it was 50 years ago. Saddam Hussein sealed his fate when he announced he8217d only be taking Euro8217s and gold for his oil, no more 8217s. Iran for the last five years, every time it came out talking about setting up its own oil bourse that would not accept 8217s, within a week scary stories appeared here in MSM about what a terrible nuclear threat they were becoming and sanctions or worse were required. We did not go into Iraq for WMD8217s or nation building or cause they had a bad dictator, etc. nor will we be bombing or going into Iran for any such reasons, though we may be told so. It8217ll be to preserve, for a little longer, the inevitable repudiation amp collapse of the almighty petro-dollar, the reserve currency of the world, the US . BINGO. It8217s all about petro-dollars and the private federal reserve banking cartel. the only hope for the US is Ron Paul in 2012. Big Bob I8217m a friend from ZeroHedge. I wonder if they8217ll cover this there (snicker). For all of you who don8217t get it: The world has been the bankster8217s little toy for 100 years, but some nations are smart enough to see the writing on the wall. Fiat money always ends in disaster. Our turn. We sold our soul to the fiat money Ponzi scheme, now it8217s time to pay the piper. Buyers are not cause of the threat. Only the those who SELL for something other than dollars. Shoot, US should go to gold too. Force us to get real about finances. Sick of all the smoke and mirrors. Tired of our coins made of tin instead of silver nickel and copper. Tired of funny money and the fed. Maybe we can be led kicking and screaming into fiscal responsibility by the likes of India and Iran. US has no gold to speak of. What is tored in Ft. Knox are bars of crap painetd yellow. That doesn8217t matter. Open the mint to gold and silver, and allow it to circulate freely, with goods prices in grains of gold and silver. We8217ll find a way to get the gold, as the dollar loses it8217s purchasing power. Now, that8217s not even an option. As usual, Ron Paul has the right idea. The other candidates are ignorant, bought and paid for, or moronic. With any luck, this will come to a head this year, and people will take another look at Paul. Everyone else has been wrong for decades. The Federal Reserve Bank of NY holds more gold (including that of dozens of other nations) than any single entity in the world. You need to get your facts straight you old doosh. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE banking cartel and it8217s gold reserve is separate from the US government, which used to have gold in Ft Knox. The only thing these sanctions against Iran are achieving is to push that great country further away into the China, Russia, India block. The only looser here will be the West. Alex, you are the only sane person to leave a comment. This is serious business, and we are playing with fire. America has grown so arrogant, it really is sad. But educating the fools on this forum is a lost cause. The brainwashing worked rather well on them. You know what is coming with this situation, so prepare accordingly, and don8217t waste too much time on ignorant dummies8230 Thanks Kayhla, we are dealing with a bunch of uneducated morons who cannot find their own country on the map what we8217re dealing with is a bunch of people (Americans in general) who have the mistaken idea that someone in politics cares about them and their family, and has everyone8217s best interests in mind. That8217s the old America. Now it8217s all about kissing bankster keister and perpetuating the looting. The people will learn, too late, that they have few friends in power. The few they do have are spit upon (the Pauls). I weep for America. ron paul 2012 is the only hope to save america from the pending financial collapse. I just got a massage and a happy ending from one of your highly educated Russian girls right here in the USA. Guess what I paid her in dollars. US dollars. Now go move to Iran and enjoy your 8216democracy.8217 You8217re boasting is typical Russian 8216we will bury you8217 BS. There8217s not much educating here. Some decent points are made but are too often followed up by snide comments. This detracts from your arguement. Negativity poisons the debate and renders it futile. Rise above it. You will never know the full effect a positive message full of wisdom can have. There8217s great work ahead of this country. Very tough decisions will have to be made. 95 of current politicians aren8217t up for the challenge. Most Americans aren8217t either. Restoring America begins with the informed and aware individual spreading their knowledge in an infallible manor. It begins with Ron Paul. All the gold ever discovered in the world, would not fill an Olympic sized swimming pool. Almost 8 billion people world wide8230. Gold for oil Really8230. Imagine what will happen if 8220they8221 demonetize gold - You do know who they are, right Mmmmm, that something to dwell on, heh Let8217s not forget our dollar isn8217t 8220backed8221 by any precious metal. its backed by 8220gun point8221- in other words, The United States Armed Forces - its their insurance card Again, I ask8212- do ya know who they are Ben Bernanke told Ron Paul during a congressional hearing that gold isn8217t money. He is correct in the sense that it isn8217t used as a currency atm8230 the value of gold is only speculative relative to its demand as a backing for currency, a speculation hedge bet against a weak currency, and aesthetic value. A hedge bet that8217s gone up 100.00 in value every year for the past 10 at least. I8217m betting that will continue. Valcent Technologies has proven they can grow around 100,000 gal of oil per acre per year in the desert, ie. non-arable land. We can grow all the oil we need on a land mass equivalent to about 10 the state of New Mexico. The current war drums are for the profits of the war industry as we do not need middle east oil in reality. We should have heeded Eisenhower8217s warning on the military industrial complex, and the US is not the only one that has fallen prey to it. Greece is likely to declare odius debt on most of its military gear that was strong arm sold to it. You got that one right on the knocker, pal Sounds like the setup for the Antichrist to me. When all the world economy is collapsing and war and the rumors of wars are rampant people will look to someone8230anyone8230to bring peace and stability. When people are desperate, fearful and hungry they will listen to anyone8230especially the Antichrist who will seemingly have all the answers. We see it now how people in the US are desperate for someone to get them out of the mess we8217re in and they will jump aboard whichever bus offers them the most 8220stuff8221 even if when it makes no sense. You can laugh at people like me8230those crazy Christians8230but there will come a day that many will see that we are not just a bunch of nuts. Oh sure, there are plenty of phonies and crazies out there but Jesus Christ is the answer and I beg anyone who is looking for early answers to look to Him and Him alone for salvation both here and for all eternity. Put aside all your preconceived notions and don8217t judge Him by some of the hypocrites and phonies you know. Jesus is the real thing and you8217ll be amazed to see how the events of our day come alive when you study the scriptures yourself. And lastly, I think gold is the answer8230the Wisemen sure did too Jesus Christ. Is that some Greek dude (son of Zeus) To each his own old fella, you stick to your story of redemption and I will stick to mine of survival without the need for Christianity Alex, you are so right. To each his own and to the One who saved the world. We get it Please keep up the good work8230 Karen, Very well said. Thanks for 8220standing up8221 a bit. I do see parallels in this thread and overall responses. Everyone commenting is quietly hoping to have something 8220right8221 happen. I8217m a diehard American, who reluctantly is seeing the country I grew up in change to something 8220other8221. Small wonder that countries who used to look up to us and appreciate our values now see us in lesser light. We have stellar Americans and we have moronic Americans. When you stand up for Christ, people are reminded of stellar Christians..and moronic 8220Christians8221. One of my Christian friends is bright enough to have worked with Steven Hawkin(s). Yet most people think having a significant IQ is mutually exclusive to being a Christian. Similarly, many sides are being represented in this thread8230all the 8220bright people8221 aren8217t on just one side8230Christ is the answer, but His intervention has absolute world chaos as a preamble. Hold on, Karen, He comes8230 Pingback: Gold for oil - Grasscity Forums() Iran can try and work its way around sanctions as much as it wants, but eventually the economic issues will work its way in to the population, and then they may finally revolt with such force, they topple this even government currently in charge 10-15 years ago that may have worked. Today Iran produces everything it ever needs. Sanctions against Iran are a waste of time, they will only hurt the West. Iran has very powerfull allies, far more powerfull than US is. Ikke sant. Powerful. Sikker. The ever-inebriated Russians, and if the Chinese create their military hardware with the same quality controls as they create their generic baubles8230Well8230 So that leaves8230Who now Ironically, Iran must import fuel. It does not have the refining capability to process most of it8217s own transportation fuel. Sanctions would stand to work well, actually. The Iranian currency has already started to weaken tremendously since the US imposed the last round of sanctions having to do with the Iranian central bank. Their purchasing power is tanking. The Iranian people are, on the whole, fed up with Ahmadinijad8217s jihad to hold onto power at the expense of their countrymen and women. It8217s only a small minority that control that country. You can find these facts in the public domain. Old a drunk8230 You have no clue what you8217re talking about. Go pass out Tell it to the Spartans. Tell that to Fidel Castro. History has shown us time and time again that such actions do nothing but create a siege mentality which causes people to rally around a leadership making far more popular than it previously might have been. If we instead employ the tactics of the latter part of the Cold War and instead trade with people and offer them a glimpse at another alternative to that of their current leadership, not only does that leadership become more reasonable, the people tend to want better leadership. The truth is, Ahmadinejad isn8217t all that popular and the Iranian people could very well consider voting in a more pro-western leadership but if we make him a 8216War President8217 the people will rally behind him like never before. Putin is smarter then Obama for sure. I wish we could trade. Its not that Obama is smart or dumb he does what he is told by the round table groups. Go to youtube and search for 8220hillary cfr8221 and then you will understand who really runs this country, DC is just theater for the citizens to think they have a say. Watch the film Hacking Democracy for a large dose of reality. The elections in US are a joke, President is a joke, the country is run by those are ripping it off blind. Alex, Im American and I know your country is our greatest threat, I dont understand why your trying to make is so apparent. I KNOW Russia was responsible for 911. I know we are in a proxy war in the middle east with your buddies. I know Russia supplies our enemys with weapons and whatever they need. I know your country has been a thorn in our fucking ass well before I was born. I know we lost the cold war. I also know you hate the majority of my people. I dont hate Russia or the people in it or you. But I would kill your fucking ass if it meant me not being able to feed my children and you would do the same. Your enemies aren8217t in the middle east, pal. They8217re right here at home. They8217re going to milk you and your family for all you8217re worth, then move on to the next victim. It8217s all about the money, as always. 8220Cui Bono8221 asked the Roman judge (Who benefitted) That is all that determines the guilt. Most ridiculous thing I heard is that Russia was responsible for 911 (Macabee) All you have to do is look around you in JewSA, and you do not have far to look to find the culprits, not only those who attacked this country but also those who are deliberately in process of destroying it economically. This is a HUGE development. If this trend continues, the Dollar will be devalued even further until it plummets. That is a good thing. This is an opportunity to let the fractional reserve, fiat system to collapse and allow for the return of the Treasury Note and monetary policy that is controlled by congress and the people, rather than private bankers. Research the History of the Federal Reserve and the various Central Banks around the globe. They print money and sell it to our governments on interest, creating a perpetual debt cycle that is impossible to clear. Want to know what Federal Income Tax is used for Paying the debt to the Federal reserve, every last penny of it. States taxes and spending are the ones who handle most of what people assume the Federal taxes and spending are allocated for. Lets hope this continues to develop so that we can usher in the return of SOUND MONEY. Yeah, and while the US returns to the treasury note and abolishes the Central banks, we live in hyper inflation as a 3rd world country. Sounds like a good idea. While it is inevitable that the fiat dollar will someday lose its reserve currency status, our Foreign Policy and Dollar Reserve Status are essentially the same thing. Other countries such as Iraq and Libya which had been trading oil for currency other than the dollar and gold have had their entire economies wiped out in order to maintain the dynamic where all nations hold dollars for future oil purchases which allows for manipulation of the dollar without immediate swings in value. This certainly seems to be a trend which is being followed regarding the saber-rattling around Iran and like Libya and Iraq the excuses of humanitarian reasons will not be the cause of our aggression against Iran but instead a push toward compliance with western wishes that Iran only sell oil for dollars so that other countries will hold on to dollars. This would also be a very good explanation as to why the Chavez regime is also seemingly in the cross-hairs. While it is true that the dollar is only backed by military reprisal or the withdrawal of military protections depending on which foreign countrys monetary policy is being influenced, the loss of status as The Worlds Reserve Currency would have a devastating effect on American and would essentially stop all borrowing which creates all of our money to begin with. This might lead us back to a more moral monetary policy and also a more moral foreign policy but the initial pain will be significant and the loss of reserve status will most certainly slow American economic recovery. Wow8230what an original idea8230blame the Jews for everything8230after all, it8217s got to be their fault8230they just LOOK guilty8230 If you had inserted ANY other people group in place of Jews (think Muslims, Hindus, Christians) do you see how ridiculous your line of reasoning is8230 Citizens of the USA don8217t want to be lumped together with their leaders in Washington. So don8217t blame a group of people for the actions of a few of their members. Oh come on, Israel wags the US dog, everyone knows that. To pretend that the wars in Iraq and (and if Israel and the Neocons have their way it8217s way WW3 in Iran) the destabilization campaigns in Libya, Syria and Egypt, etc. weren8217t for the benefit of Israel, or to pretend that Israel isn8217t the largest recipient of US aid, well, let8217s just say that it8217s not without merit to examine why so much of US policy is Israel based. Gimli son of Gloin Exactly how did the 8220destabilization campaigns8221 in Egypt, Libya, and Syria benefit Israel The ascendency of the Islamist factions surely cannot what Israel wanted, and any other outcome following the overthrow of Gadhafi, Mubarak, and Assad (should that come to pass in Syria) was (is) unlikely, to say the least. Are you suggesting that Israel went ahead and rolled the dice, hoping for a miracle Sorry, but they haven8217t survived since 1948 in the cesspool that is the Middle East by being that stupid. look up jews false hate crimes then ask yourself what other group of people feel the need to attack themselves in such a fashion to play the victim card and dont compare others who dont to them India needs to be warned against this. Iraq and Lybia did this look what the US did to those countries. The confrontation with Iran has less to do with nuclear capabilities and more to do with petro-dollars. Dont mess the the private Federal Reserve banking cartel or else. I agree with you entirely. It should be obvious to all of us by now. We protect generational Monarchies with deplorable human rights records because it is they play the game an cause other nations to hold onto dollars. Other countries such as Egypt have been bribed in order to play along and countries such as Iraq and Libya have their economies entirely destroyed and future profit making chances eliminated because it is more important to save the banking dynamic that what might ever be made from honest trade. Iran and Venezuela are problems only because of the way they are selling oil. Pingback: Poster039s Paradise raquo gold-for-oil-india-and-iran-ditch-dollar-report() As to the current issues with Iran and the Strait of Hormuz most people refuse to or cant see the forest for the trees. I agree that no matter what action if any is take in regard to Iran that their will be consequences and repercussions to any decision the is made and remember doing nothing is a conscious decision. The true question becomes if nothing is done to prevent the Iranian nuclear program to reach its inevitable and obvious conclusion and two to three years from now the outrage that will come form both the left and the right as to why the U. S. didnt stop Iran and or others when a nuclear device is detonated in London, New York, Los Angeles, or some other major population center. India already has the bomb. Iran is a target because they are selling oil for something other than dollars. India8217s actions are just a symptom of Iran8217s policy at least from the perspective of the issuers of proprietary US currency who want countries like India to hold onto dollars before spending them on oil. Iran is allowing India to not hold on to dollars. This is why Iran will be attacked. Nukes have nothing to do with the economics. Wars are ALWAYS fought over economic yet given different excuses. Now we have to attack Iran AND India to save the all mighty dollar from these 8220terrorists8221. That is what got Gaddafi and Hussein murdered. Don8217t you believe what the BANKSTERS say. Trading gold for a disposable resource strikes me as desperate. If India commits to this strategy, they end up goldless and oilless in the end. I8217ve never understood the conspiracy theorists8217 obsession with the 8220reserve currency.8221 Sure, central banks have to buy the reserve currency, but central banks use a reserve currency because its convenience outweighs the transaction cost of acquiring it. Iran and India could trade in Rupees and Rials if they wanted to, but both countries8217 central banks would still incur a transaction cost from having to buy the other8217s currency. If they trade in gold, both countries will incur a transaction cost for buying gold. Once they buy the gold, they will need to ship it to the other country. 7.2 million ounces of gold works out to be 450,000 pounds. (Over 245,000 kilos for thse of you who use those crummy French weights and measures.) Good luck moving that without anybody stealing it. There is only one Reserve Currency 8211 The US dollar which became the default reserver currency because it was positively valued when the previous reserve currency (Pound Sterling) went fiat. All nations hold reserve currency in order to purchase the world8217s oil which until recently was the ONLY way for buyers to buy oil. When the dollar was gold-based this was of course fair and there was no reason to coerce other nations to use dollars. Since going off the gold standard the United States has used coercion in order to keep the dynamic going. Now that the dollar is fiat and with the dynamic still in place, the proprietary issuing banks can manipulate the supply while other nations hold dollars in reserve which slows value fluctiation of dollars and these issuing banks suck wealth right out of the back pockets of everyone. If other countries don8217t hold onto dollars in great volume, manipulations in dollar supply would have an immediate effect on the dollar8217s strength. If oil producers sell oil for anything other than dollars there is no need for other nations to hold on to large volumes of dollars. This is why regimes that sell oil for anything other than dollars have their regimes changed with regimes which will play by the rules and only sell for dollars. Those transaction costs and inconvenieces you speak of are nothing in comparison to the amount of wealth that gets sucked out of dollars by the issuing banks. This only proves just how informed, honest and courageous Congressman Ron Paul is. He8217s calling out the Fed on behalf of America and yet he8217s laughed at and booed. 8220Only 7.2 million ounces That is 225 tons of gold. That is almost half of Indias total gold reserves8221 YOU ARE ASSUMING THE PRICE OF GOLD vis-avis OIL will remain the same The price of gold will rise faster than the price of oil. This means oil will be cheaper in gold bars. That8217s the nature of fiat (paper) money. It8217s value always goes to zero because governments will always print more paper and confiscate your paper money saving (stored labour wealth). Malik Al Spaghetti 8220The price of gold will rise8221 Hold on there8230as a reserve currency: gold is supposed to remain the same (value) and everything is supposed to be compared in value to it. Example: Gold is valued at 1668 per ounce8230then goes to 1695 the next week. Did gold change or did the dollar de-value The problem with tangible commodities (goldoil, etc) is they ARE subject to being devaluation IF the World Bank decides to do so with any currency comparison. Gold is a potential bubble as it were back in the early 1980s when millions of people lost a lot who had gold. The fact is, unless every country agrees that gold is the monetary reserve, it remains a commodity that is subject to manipulation. I don8217t see the globalist giving up their grip on people8217s wealth through inflation. Watch the price of gold plummet at some point (big sell off) andor a new currency arises that forbids gold transactions 8211 with the excuse of taxing the wealthy 8211 plunging people to poverty who converted the majority of their wealth into gold. You do not understand the first thing about the international transactions The Indians are skirting a very important diplomatic strategy to prevent Iran8217s nuclear weapon ambitions. If I was Obama I8217d call the Indian Ambassador to the U. S. into the Oval Office and explain to him that if India doesn8217t comply with this embargo I would encourage Congress to draft a law making it illegal for U. S. companies to outsource to India. That will most assuredly get the Indians attention as to the seriousness of their mistake. I would simply draft the bill anyway, not as a diplomatic solution, but as an economic solution. The WMD excuse is BS. The WMD excuse was BS in Iraq and it was used for the very same reason it is now: It is in the interest of the banksters that contol our government to see to it that the proprietary currency they issue is held in large volume by all the purchasers of the world8217s oil. Any country which allows for the sale of oil in any other form releases other countries from the need to hold on to dollars in reserve. If large volumes of dollars are not held in vast supply, the supply of dollars can not be manipulated by issuing banks without immediate effect on the strength of the currency. This prevents issuing banks from using newly created dollars as if they were more scarce and thus more valuable than they acually are. The WMD thing is just an excuse even if it is this time there are in fact WMDs. Wars are ALWAYS fought over economics yet we are usually given different excuses. Obama will neverr put India8217s feet to the fire Big Business has bpought his soul and he is bound to dance to their tune. The American people will, before all is said and done, be freezing in their homes due to lack of fuel. Jobd will be lost because folks can8217t afford gasoline to get to work8230and Obama8217s wishdreamdesire tom have the entire population of the USA dependent upon government largesse will have reached fruition. While all of the politicians are raking in the bribes, consultation fees, etc. you and your family will slowly starve to death or die from exposure. Vote for a socialist, get socialism. People don8217t really understand that such types of governments are bad though. It8217s all the rage in college campuses. sigh I hope Obama enjoys his taxpayer trip to Disneyland Socialism has many forms, all of them are beneficial to the poor. All of them are hated by the bloosuckers. Its about oil, any conflict in the middle east is ALWAYS about oil. Iraq could not be controlled, so it was 8220occupied8221 until the US had infrastructor around those wells, as well as corporate ties. Iran cannot just be 8220invaded8221. They share a border with the Soviet Union. Any attempt at 8220occupation8221 will involve a showdown with Russia. The US is NOT perpared for that. So since you cannot 8220occupy and take8221 the next step would be to restrict there ability to export. This is being done8230. In order to continue to have an economy, Iran MUST trade heavily with the countries they currently border. Turkey, Russia, India, Afghanistan all are on the list. The US is on friendly terms with all but Russia. What Iran will probably try next is to drop there prices SO low that it would be worth the risk for these other countries to purchase oil while avoiding there sanctions. The real question is, How much infrastructor does the US have in these bordering countries If US companies, say in INDIA, want oil, and India is freely trading with Iran, does that mean that the US could be 8220Laundering8221 Oil through these corporations O and threatening India is Just as pointless since China is right there and would NOT tolerate an occupation of India that was not co-ordantated by themselves. Well, yeah8230Except the banksters aren8217t laundering oil, they8217re laundering the currency. They8217ve been doing it since the early 19708217s. Just look at the commodity price index versus dollars and this will come as no surprise. The west has been protecting the generational sovereignty of monarchies with horrific human rights records because it is they sell oil on the cheap and only for petrodollars, which have not been based on a fix commodity value since 1971. Since they only sell for dollars, all the world8217s nations need to hold on to reserve holding of proprietarily issued Federal Reserve Dollars in large volume. Since large volumes of Dollars are held out of circulation, new dollars can be added to the supply of dollars which spend as if they were more scarce than they really are. Inflation does of course occur but not until well after the wealth represented by the new dollars is laundered. On the flip-side, the banksters make a mint from loaning our government money to pay for the military machine that keeps everybody either happy or in compliance. The monarchies might make more by not allowing for the laundering but then they wouldn8217t get the protection for their monarchies like we saw when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Countries like Egypt got bribed to play along and countries like Iraq and Libya got their regimes changed when they sold oil for anything but dollars. Iran is now a threat to the banking dynamic because it is allowing countries the freedom to not hold on to large dollar reserves which threatens the dynamic for all countries involved in the scheme which is why in the case of Libya our friends from Qatar got so involved in getting rid of Gaddafi. Who knew, Indians had that much gold after all The Conquistadors were looking for it all over the place. But they managed to hide it till this day. Of all the morons who are blabbering on this site REX do take the cake. Your stupidity must be an asset Maybe those casinos in reservations are doing better than we knew for the Indians. Where else did they get all that gold to now buy oil with it.. Pingback: Gold for Oil: India and Iran Ditch Dollar 8211 Report Forex Crunch Daily Finance News - Forex Stock Market() OK India, You do not want to be on the side of the USA Fine, We Americans will take American Dollars back and the 200,000 jobs you now hold in Information Technology, customer service, IRS Social security data management, ect8230. and backrupt your country overnight Shoot yourself in the food, I dare you So Iran8217s gonna con India and China into giving them all their gold in exchange for a consumable resource. Smooth. What happens when Iran then has all their gold 1. Return to treasury backed and printed currency. 2. Renounce debts claimed by the 8216Robber Barons(The FED) 3. If India wants to align with Iran, fine, but no VISAs Nobody has ever occupied Russia, since my ancestor Great Khan of the Stepe, and even he could not occupy the whole Russia, so he was satisfied with settling there for a few centuries to improve the breed. Kadaffi wanted to switch to a gold standard too. Enough said hello war. The western power elite (globalists) WANT the dollar to go under. India is doing the right thing. Anyone who understands REAL economics is going to drop the dollar. I don8217t believe I8217ve ever seen such moronic comments before. 8220All cruelty springs from weakness8221. It8217s the americans who are so weak. Not Indians. Anyone who CAN drop the dollar will because the dollar is still being treated as if it were redeemable for a transferable commodity of positive wealth rather than a promise to repay a debt, which is what it is. A gun has been held to the heads of all the oil producing nations for the past 40 years in order to hide this dynamic. As soon as the US loses its abiltiy to intimidate all countries into exclusively selling oil for dollars, the rest will follow. They got away with destroying the economies of Iraq and Libya rather than allow them to sell oil for someting other than dollars and this has bought the banksters a few more years. If it is they can not prevent Iran from breaking away for dollars the hole ponzi scheme will fall. Everybody knows this. The US and NATO do in fact have the strength to bring Iran down and save thier world banking dynamic but they can8217t if Russia wants to stop them. It looks like Russia wants to stop them. Still, these guys are madmen who simply do not care what happens to humanity so we just don8217t know. What moron said Cruelty springs from weakness Cruelty springs from intelligence The smarter the animal the more they will play with their prey. The smarter the animal the more it is likely to intentionally wound another for amusement Weakness allows cruelty to spread but never did i see a timid wife go out and start beating on people and thieving. Malik Al Spaghetti Yes, the globalists WANT the dollar to disappear so they can introduce a NEW currency. This will cause a panic on gold selling (like in the early 80s) and other commodities that will plunge people who bought these into poverty. ANY currency will be instantly devalued (1,000 dollars to 1.) While many celebrate the dollar8217s demise, they are like the clueless people on a beach collecting shells staring at a wall of water called a Tsunami. Are you kidding Fiat currency worldwide is going to be completely discredited. Gold whether or not if used on official business will be used in the black market. Even Your globalists are no match for the black market. Globalism is dying as this growth and debt based system needs infinite growth to survive. The problem for this paradigm is that the Earth is finite. Your globalists are going down with this paradigm that is increasingly becoming irrelevant and not possible any longer. Real things like gold will be needed to import real things like oil. Fiat printed out of thin air crap no longer cuts it. Asian and M. E. nations do not want the dollar to fall. They will lose a fortune. Oh well, it was only paper anyway. I would envision India, the worlds biggest democracy, siding with the Western world in posturing towards Iran. But now that India is nuclear, maybe they think they can do whatever they please.

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